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#第一文档网# 导语】以下是®第一文档网的小编为您整理的《幼儿园英语儿歌教案》,欢迎阅读!
幼儿英语儿歌教案:I can


1、初步学习儿歌:“I can


3、通过表演和演示教具相结合的方式,让幼儿初步感受动物与动词间的对应关系。 活动准备:

1、鸟、鱼、兔的头饰各一个。胸饰若干。 2、地上画有小鱼、小鸟、小兔的家。 3、黑板。 活动过程:

1、通过情景表演,让幼儿初步感受句型“I can”

——幼儿打招呼。引入情景表演。复习句型“Who is it”“It’s me THelloBoys and Girls CHelloMiss Xue TI love you CI love you too!

TTodaySome animals will comeButWho are they?(做想状)Hear!(做听状) ——老师带上鸟头饰躲在黑板后面做敲门动作。 TDing-DongDing-Dong CWho is itWho is it TIt’s meIt’s me

——老师说完从黑板后面飞出,边飞边说:“FlyflyflyI can fly。在幼儿面前飞上几圈之后和幼儿打招呼。 THelloBoys and girls CHelloBird TNice to meet you CNice to meet you too

TYesI’m a birdI can fiy!(边说边做飞状) TNowBoys and girlsLet’s like a birdOk COK

TOhStand up pleaseLet’s line up and follow meWhen you flyyou should say“FlyflyflyI can flyLouderly! ——老师边飞边提醒幼儿飞时要大声地跟着老师念“FlyflyflyI can fly TPlease fly to your seat

TLook!(做看状),Who is coming

——同上引出小兔和小鱼。出来时打招呼的句型可以变换一下。 2、复习动物名称,并与动作匹配。请个别幼儿表演。

TOhBoys and girlsLet’s have a lookHere are there animalsThey are。。。。。。(等待幼儿说出:FishRabbit and bird TYesyou are very clever(手指小鸟)It is a birdJust nowThe bird saysI can?(等待幼儿说出Fly。同时老师边说边做飞的动作以此来引导幼儿说出。)

TYesNowPlease fllow me read “FlyflyflyI can fly。(集体念三遍) ——以下同上学念“SwimswimswimI can swim”“HophophopI can hop Twho want to be bird ——请三名幼儿上来扮演小鸟。

TListten carefullyIf I say “birdbird”You may do like this (老师带领幼儿做飞的动作并要求幼儿要大声地念出来。)

TAre you clear CYes

T(其他幼儿)Show your fingers and fllow me


——同上请出幼儿个别表演鱼和兔。并给表演好的幼儿贴上大苹果。 3、初步完整学习儿歌“I can”

TNowBoys and girlsThere are some pictures under your chairsnextyou can take it out and mey do like this。(老师把椅子底下的图片取出并示范贴在自己的身上)。

TOKplease look at me and listen carefullyNowyou should look carefully who are you?(老师向每位幼儿问一遍:You are ?幼儿自己说出自己身上小动物的名称)。

TOKIf I show this picture(小鸟图片),The bird should mey do like this(小鸟要飞出来,然后飞回去,同时要大声念儿歌)。 ——集体练习念儿歌两遍。 4游戏:小动物回家。

TOHLookThe day is darkThis animals will go homeThey are going to sleep。(做睡觉状)Lookthis is bird’s home(依次介绍小动物的家,并把小动物图片贴在地上的房子里)。

The brids go home(带领幼儿飞回家,带要求幼儿一定要边飞边说:“FlyflyflyI can fly。如幼儿不说,可停止游戏 TPlease stopWhen you flyyou should says“FlyflyflyI can fly”。(继续游戏 (其他小动物回家方法要求同上。)

T(听起床音乐)Morning bells are ringingIt’s time to get upThe brid get up。。。。。(幼儿听指令分别起床飞回座位) ——音乐游戏两遍。 5、结束活动。

TTodayall the boys and girls did a good jobI’m very gladSo I will each everyone a red flower。(给幼儿每人奖励一朵大红花) TOhI’m very hungryAre you hungry Cyes

TLet’s go to the SupermarketOK CYes

TOkStand up please Let’s say Bye-bye to teachers CBye-bye teachers

TFollow me“FlyflyflyI can fly”“SwimswimswimI can swim”“HophophopI can hop” (走出教室,结束活动)

