
2023-03-11 20:43:22   第一文档网     [ 字体: ] [ 阅读: ] [ 文档下载 ]

#第一文档网# 导语】以下是®第一文档网的小编为您整理的《英语皇帝的新装口语演讲》,欢迎阅读!



第二天早上,游行大典就要举行了。头一天夜晚,两个骗子整夜点起十六支以上的蜡烛。人们可以看到他们是在赶夜工,要把皇帝的新衣完成。他们装作从织布机上取下布料,用两把大剪刀在空中裁了一阵子,同时用没有穿线的针缝了一通。最后,他们齐声说:“请看!新衣服缝好了!” 皇帝亲自带着一群最高贵的骑士们来了。两个骗子各举起一只手,好像拿着一件什么东西似的。他们说:“请看吧,这是裤子,这是袍子,这是外衣。”“这些衣服轻柔得像蜘蛛网一样,穿的人会觉得好像身上没有什么东西似的,这也正是这些衣服的优点。”



Magnificent," said the two officials already duped. "Just look, Your Majesty, what colors! What a design!" They pointed to the empty looms, each supposing that the others could see the stuff. "What's this?" thought the Emperor. "I can't see anything. This is terrible! Am I a fool? Am I unfit to be the Emperor? What a thing to happen to me of all people! - Oh! It's very pretty," he said. "It has my highest approval." And he nodded approbation at the empty loom. Nothing could make him say that he couldn't see anything.

His whole retinue stared and stared. One saw no more than another, but they all joined the Emperor in exclaiming, "Oh! It's very pretty," and they advised him to wear clothes made of this wonderful cloth especially for the great procession he was soon to lead. "Magnificent! Excellent! Unsurpassed!" were bandied from mouth to mouth, and everyone did his best to seem well pleased. The Emperor gave each of the swindlers a cross to wear in his buttonhole, and the title of "Sir Weaver." Before the procession the swindlers sat up all night and burned more than six candles, to show how busy they were finishing the Emperor's new clothes. They pretended to take the cloth

off the loom. They made cuts in the air with huge scissors. And at last they said, "Now the Emperor's new clothes are ready for him." Then the Emperor himself came with his noblest noblemen, and the swindlers each raised an arm as if they were holding something. They said, "These are the trousers, here's the coat, and this is the mantle," naming each garment. "All of them are as light as a spider web. One would almost think he had nothing on, but that's what makes them so fine." "Exactly," all the noblemen agreed, though they could see nothing, for there was nothing to see. "If Your Imperial Majesty will condescend to take your clothes off," said the swindlers, "we will help you on with your new ones here in front of the long mirror."

