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#第一文档网# 导语】以下是®第一文档网的小编为您整理的《论文摘要》,欢迎阅读!
1:基于RFID的物流管理系统设计 摘要:随着物流技术的不断进步和人工智能应用领域的不断扩大,智能化逐渐成为物流管理系统发展的重要方向之一。为了推动物流技术逐渐向智能方向发展,提出一种基于RFID术的的物流管理系统设计。首先分析了基于RFID的物流系统总体方案,其次分析了物流管理系统工作的流程,最后为了提高系统智能性和保障性,分析了智能优化关键技术和安全保障关键技术。该系统在现实中得到实用。 关键词:物流管理系统;RFID;物流技术 ;

RFID-based logistics management system design

Abstract:With logistics technology advances and The field of applications of artificial intelligence expands,The intelligence gradually become one of the important directions of the logistics management system.In order to promote the logistics technology gradually to the development of intelligent direction,proposed an RFID-based logistics management system design.Firstly,analysis of the RFID-based logistics system overall program,secondly,analysis of its processes,Finally, In order to improve intelligence and security of the system,Analysis of the key technologies of intelligent optimization and the security..The system is practical in reality. Key words: RFID;Logistics management system;Logistics technology;

2 数据库安全监控系统的研究

摘要:为避免传统数据库采用的静态防护手段的局限,以保证数据库的数据安全,设计针对Windows系统下SQL Server数据库系统的安全监控系统。该系统能够及时地实施对用户行为及数据库运行状态的监控,从而可以对数据库的入侵行为做出快速地反应。分析SQL Server数据库自身的安全机制,将入侵检测技术和数据挖掘技术引入到对数据库的安全监控中来,把监控系统又分为三个子系统:分析机子系统、信息获取子系统、控制台子系统。 关键词:SQL Server数据库 数据安全 监控系统 数据挖掘

Database security monitoring system research

Abstract:To avoid the limitations of the static protection means for traditional database and to ensure the data security of the database, the security monitoring system of SQL Server database under the Windows system was designed.The system can timely implement monitoring of user behavior and running status of the database, thus the invasion behavior of against the database is responded quickly.Analyze the security mechanism of the SQL Server database, take the intrusion detection and data mining technology into security monitoring of the database.The monitoring system is divided into three subsystems:analysis of machine subsystem,information acquisition subsystem, control subsystem.

Key word: SQL Server database; data security; monitoring system; data mining

3:基于负关联规则的多数据挖掘算法 摘要:随着数据库技术的发展,以往的基于负关联规则的单一数据挖掘算法已经不能满足需要。为了解决合成相关性在同时挖掘正负关联规则时所遇到的知识冲突问题,采用数据库的事务数确定数据库的权值,并利用合成规则关联模式。最后利用3个合成数据库验证了算法的正确性。


Negative association rules-based data mining algorithms

AbstractWith the development of database technology,Negative association rules-based single data mining algorithms can not meet the need.in order to solve The knowledge conflict of the

synthesis on mining negative association rules,The number of transactions using the database to determine the weight of the database, and synthetic rules associated mode.Finally, using three synthetic database to verify the correctness of the algorithm.

Key Words:Negative association rules;Synthetic correlation;Data Mining;Multi-database

4 基于数据挖掘的学生成绩预警系统 摘要:随着高校教学教务信息管理系统的广泛应用通过对数据的处理分析能够促进高校教管理水平,为提高高校教学质量,学生成绩管理成为关键因素。开发基于数据挖掘理论高校学生学习成绩预警系统,以高校教务信息系统数据库为基础,应用改进的Apriori算法。该系统对学生不同科目的学习成绩进行数据挖掘,找出与课程对应的关联规则作为预警因子,建立预警系统,对成绩不理想的学生作出预警。该预警系统有利于对学生学习成绩进行量化评估, 促使学生改进学习方法, 提高学习成绩。 关键词:预警系统 数据挖掘 关联规则

Early warning system for students records based on data mining

AbstractWith the widely used of university academic information management system.It can be promoted the level of university academic management by analyze and process the data.In order to improve the teaching quality of universities,student school record has become a key factor.Based on data mining ,we developed a early warning system of university student records .Based on the university educational administration information system database,the improved Apriori algorithm was applied.The system do date mining to student school record of different subject to find out association rules as warning factor corresponding to this course and establish early warning system.Warn the student having the record is not ideal.The early warning system is benefit for quantitative assessment to school record of students, help students improve learning methods and academic performance.

Key words : early warning system; data mining; association rules

1 基于RFID技术的智能物流管理系统的设计与实现


关键词:物流管理系统 RFDI 人功智能

3 基于改进算法的多数据库中负关联规则挖掘技术的实现


关键词:数据挖掘 负关联规则 多数据库

