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Moment in Peking
1. So important are little things in our life,perfectly meaningless in themselvs,but as we look back upon them in their chain of cause and effect,we realise they are sometimes fraught with momentons consequences.
2. When you yourself are right,nothing that happens to you can never be wrong.A world in which nothing that happens to you can ever be wrong is a good,cheerful world,and one has courage to live and to endure.
3. Everything has its destined owner.How many hundred owenrs do you think those chou bronzes have had in the last three thousand years?No one ever permanently owns a thing in this world.For the time being,I am their owner.A hundred years from now,who will be their owner?
4. She had grown up there and had drunk in all the richness of life of the city which enveloped its inhabitants like a great mother soft toward all her children's requests, fulfilling all their whims and desires, or like a huge thousand-year-old tree in which the insects making their home in one branch did not know what the insects in the other branch were doing.
5. She had learned from Peking its tolerance, geniality and urbanity, as we all in our formative years catch something of the city and country we live in. 6. She had grown up with the yellow-roofed palaces and the purple and green roofed temples, the broad boulevards and the long, crooked alleys, the busy thoroughfares and the quiet districts that were almost rural in their effect;
7. Since Heaven creates a Redjade, why does it create a Lilien?
8. We go into battle,To fight for home and country.Never to come back until our hills and rivers are returned to us!
9. What is family then but a phrase? Casual travelers met on their ways.The Punch-and-Judy show is done,Take the stage down,the props and stays.
10. Sister,I love you,you love me.Closing door,push out moon before window.Tbrowing stone,break up sky under water.
11. Encircling water embraces bill,bill embraces water.Leisurely men watch actors,actors watch men.
12. The trees desire repose,but the wind will not be still;The son wishes to serve,but his parents are no more.
13. Steal a book,and you hang as a crook;Steal a kingdom,and you’re made a duke. 14. The chinese blood must go on forever,whether it is ours or that of other families. 15. Mulan had an exquisite pleasure in this,feeling that even in suckling this one child,she was doing something not for an individual,but something eternal for China,to carry on the life of the chinese race.And the baby was now a symbol to her of racial immortality,more than her jade and amber animals had ever been. 16. She imagined them to be like the brave smiling soldiers she had seen on the trucks that had passed them,going to lay down their lives that their children and grangchildren should be free men and women.What an epic story was being lived
through by these people of China,of whom she was one!
17. A curious sense of time,like a river ever flowing,majestic,unalterable.And it seemed to them that their own story but a moment in old,ageless Peking,a story written by the finger of Time itself.
18. A sense of happiness,a sense of glory,she thought it was.It was not only the soldiers,but this great moving column of which she was a part.She had a sense of her nation such as she had never had so vivdly before,of a people united by a common loyalty and,though fleeing from a common enemy,still a people whose patience and strength were like the ten-thousand-li Great Wall,and as enduring. 19. There was no catastrophe so great that the spirit could not rise above it and,out of its very magnitude,transform it into something great and glorious.
20. She suddenly thought of the young man in forein dress on the Sungkiang train,and she knew that the father this stream of people flowed inland,the stronger would be China’s spirit of resistance.For the true people of China are rooted in the soil thay they love.She stepped into her place among them. 书评
Moment in Peking is a great novel written by Lin Yutang who can exchange culture between the East and the West freely. The novel covers the turbulent events in China from 1900 to 1938, including the Boxer Uprising, the Republican Revolution of 1911, the Warlord Era, the rise of nationalism and communism, and the origins of the Sino-Japanese War of 1937-1945. The three main families in the story are the Yao family, Zeng family, and Niu family. Each of these three families is wealthy, but the relationships between them often cause problems, especially for the younger generation.Mulan is the leading character make serises the whole story.It wrote her funs of childhood in Yao family with Mouchou, wrote her love deeply burried in the bottom of heart to Kong Lifu,wrote her happy marriage in Zeng family with Sunya wrote her the pain of dead daught,wrote her the good deeds in the way to flee and the thought under the influence of her Taoism and Confucianism thinking.Mulan is lively, intelligent, and generous, as well as extremely responsible. Her father has always encouraged her interests, among them her intense interest in "bone characters" and the singing of Chinese opera. It is to say Mulan is what people would consider "perfect" - gentle, considerate, intelligent
However,there are so many regrets, such as Lifu's failure to admit his feelings to Mulan, or Mochow’s decision to run away on her wedding day. It gives a profound look on life; there are so many "what ifs," but in the end, one decision can change the entire course of one's life.just in our daily life, not everything will make you happy. There are many difficulties in our long life.And what should we do? As Lin Yutang said if one chooses to be a female,Mulan is the very one to be.She wasn’t pride and pampered as a golden bough’s pride and delicate green leves,neither with the traditional stereotype. She is completely a magnolia flower,elegant,pure and