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#第一文档网# 导语】以下是®第一文档网的小编为您整理的《从《傅青主女科》“年未老经水断”谈卵巢早衰治疗思想》,欢迎阅读!


【期刊名称】《浙江中医药大学学报》 【年(),期】2016(040)008

【摘 要】[目的]分析《傅青主女科调经篇》中“年未老经水断”的诊治规律,为治疗卵巢早衰提供新的诊疗思路。[方法]基于傅青主女科中“年未老经水断”条文所归纳的特点与现代医学中卵巢早衰的临床症状一致,通过对“年未老经水断”的病因、病机、理法方药、治疗大法及其临床治疗见解等方面的分析,探讨临床卵巢早衰的治疗大法及治疗思想。[结果]《傅青主女科·调经篇》中“年未老经水断”条文所归纳的特点,与现代医学中卵巢早衰的临床症状相一致。傅氏认为,卵巢早衰的发病责之心肝脾肾,治疗应以大补肾水为根本。提出“气郁为病”新见解,并首倡“柔肝解郁法”。注重培土宁心安神,提示解郁在于扶正,扶正乃解郁之本,对卵巢早衰的治疗起着重要指导意义。[结论]通过对“年未老经水断”病因、病机、治疗大法的分析,对卵巢早衰的病因、病机及诊治规律得以清晰。对中医经典的研究为卵巢早衰的治疗提供新的思路,古为今用,探微索源,临床疗效也会得到提高。%Purpose] The article analyzed the rules of diagnosis and treatment of “menstruation stopped when not old yet”in the Fuqingzhunvke Section · Menstruation Chapter, which provides a new thought of diagnosing and treating for the treatment of premature ovarian failure. [Methods] Because of the characteristics of the provisions in the Fuqingzhunvke is consistent with the clinical symptoms of premature ovarian failure in the modern medicine. The article analyzed the cause,

pathogenesis, principle-method-recipe-medicine and treatment to explore the treatment of premature ovarian failure. [Result] The characteristics of the provisions in the Fu Qingzhu Nvke are consistent with the clinical symptoms of premature ovarian failure in the modern medicine. Fushi thought that premature ovarian failure derived from heart, liver, spleen and kidney, treatment should reinforce kidney water;puts forward some new ideas for qi depression, nourishing liver to resolve depression method;pay attention to tonifying spleen, nourishing heart and tranquilizing mind; reminding relieving depression lies in strengthening the body resistance. [Conclusion] Through analyzing the etiology, pathogenesis, treatment of premature ovarian failure, to clarify the etiology, pathogenesis, treatment of premature ovarian failure. The study of classics of traditional Chinese medicine provides a new method for the treatment of premature ovarian failure. Making the past serve the present, the clinical curative effect will be improved. 【总页数】3(P596-598) 【作 者】张秀;鲁雅娟;王佩娟

【作者单位】南京中医药大学 南京 210046;南京中医药大学 南京 210046;江苏省中西医结合医院 【正文语种】 【中图分类】R272 【相关文献】

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