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Ten tative Program (For Private Sector)

BOI Delegati on Visit to Guan gzhou - Shen zhe n, Guangdong Province


17th -20th September, 2008 2008917-20

As of 7 th September, 2008

Target in dustries:

Automobile parts, Die parts and metal processing. Mould manufacturing, Machinery manu facturi ng. Electric manu facturi ng and ICT in dustries. 目标产业:



Wedn esdav 17th September 2008:

2008917日: 10:45 14:35 18:00

Ban gkok-Gua ngzhou


Leave from Bangkok to Guangzhou by TG668 乘坐 TG668 号航班曼谷出发 Arrive at Gua ngzhou Baiyu n In ternatio nal Airport 抵达广州白云国际机场 Check-in at HOTEL LANDMARK CANTON (4 Stars)入住华厦大酒店 (四星) £1

Thursday 18 September 2008:

2008918日: 07:00-08:00 Breakfast 早餐 09:00-12:00 Seminar on

Guan gzhou-She nzhe n


ThailanckChina Guangdong Investment Opportunities at

Magnolia auditorium (3 rd floor), Guangzhou Garden Hotel

“泰国-中国广东投资机遇交流会”,地点:广州花园酒店三楼玉兰厅 For Chin ese en trepre neurs, Magn olia auditorium (3rd floor) 中国企业家地点:广州花园酒店三楼玉兰厅 09:15 Sign in 签到

09:30 Seminar briefing by ............... .. (Moderator)主持人介绍

09:35 Welcome remarks given by leader of Guangdong Provincial Enterprises Confederation.


09:45 Opening address by Consul General of Royal Thai Consulate General in Gua ngzhou



10:00 Speech on fnvestment Opportunities in


Thailand "by Mr. Chitaworn Worasak,

Deputy Secretary Gen eral of BOI 泰国投资促进委员会副秘书长 Mr.Chitaworn Worasak


10:30 Share experie nee from Chin ese In vestor in Thaila nd

of CEO) Minth-Aapico (Thailand) Co., Ltd.

by Mr. Feng li (Assista nt


10:40 Q&A 问答

For Thai en trepre neurs. Dahlia auditorium (3rd floor) 泰国企业家地点:广州花园酒店三楼芍药厅

09:30 In troducti on of Guan gdo ng Board of In vestme nt Promoti on

of Guan gdo ng Board of In vestme nt Promoti on (TBC) 广东投资促进局介绍

09:40 In troducti on

by Represe ntative


econo mic


intern ati onal

trade by

of Guan gdo ng

Represe ntative of Guangdong Board of In vestme nt Promoti on (TBC) 广东经济情况和对外贸易简介


10:10 In troducti on of Guan gdo ng in vestme nt policy and related rules and regulati on

by Represe ntative of Guan gdo ng Board of In vestme nt Promoti on (TBC) 广东吸引外商投资相关政策和法规

10:40 Q&A 问答

Chin ese and Thai en trepre neurs at Magn olia auditorium (3rd floor) 中泰企业家一对一投资洽谈地点:广州花园酒店三楼玉兰厅

11:00 In dividual bus in ess match ing —对一投资洽谈 12:00-13:00 16:00 18:00 19:00-20:30


Leave from Guangzhou to Shenzhen 离开广州前往深圳 Arrive in Shenzhen 抵达深圳

Check-in at Days Inn Hotel Shenzhen (4 Stars)入住 深圳戴斯酒店 (4 )



Friday 19th September 2008:

2008919日: 07:00-08:00 10:00-12:00 12:00-13:00 14:00-16:00

Breakfast 早餐

Shen zhe n


Visit She nzhen Gra nd In dustrial Zo ne (TBC) 参观深圳大工业区(待确认) Lunch午餐

Visit Shenzhen Yantian Port Group Company Limited 拜访深圳盐田港集团(待确认) Dinner晚餐



Saturday 20 th September 2008:

2008920日: 07:00-08:00 Breakfast 早餐

Shen zhe n-Ho ng Kong


09:00-12:00 Seminar on ThailanckChina Guangdong Investment Opportunities at


Shen zhe n auditorium (3 floor), Shen zhe n Shan gri-La Hotel


For Chin ese en trepre neurs, Shen zhe n auditorium (3rd floor) 中国企业家地点:深圳香格里拉大酒店三楼深圳厅 09:15 Sign in 签到

09:30 Seminar briefing by .............. .. (Moderator)主持人介绍

09:35 Welcome remarks given by leader of Guangdong Provincial Enterprises Confederation.


09:50 Speech on Investment Opportunities in Thailand by Mr. Chitaworn Worasak, Deputy

Secretary General of BOI 泰国投资促进委员会副秘书长 Mr.Chitaworn Worasak “泰国投资机遇” 主题演讲

10:25 Share experience from Chinese Investor in Thailand by Mr. Feng li (Assistant of CEO)

Minth-Aapico (Thailand) Co., Ltd.

泰国 Minth-Aapico 有限公司 CEO 助理 冯力先生分享泰国投资经验

10:40 Q&A 问答

For Thai entrepreneurs, Zhuhai auditorium (3rd floor) 泰国企业家 , 地点:深圳香格里拉大酒店三楼珠海厅

09:30 Share experie nee from Thai In vestor in china by ...................


10:40 Q&A 问答

Chinese and Thai entrepreneurs at Shenzhen auditorium (3rd floor) 中泰企业家一对一投资洽谈 地点:深圳香格里拉大酒店三楼深圳厅 11:00 Individual business matching 一对一投资洽谈

12:00-13:00 Lunch 午餐 14:00 16:00

Leave from Shenzhen to Hong Kong 离开深圳前往香港 Arrive at Hong Kong International Airport 抵达香港国际机场

20:45-22:25 Leave from Hong Kong International Airport to Bangkok by TG607 乘坐 TG607 返回曼谷

