
2023-02-03 14:36:14   第一文档网     [ 字体: ] [ 阅读: ] [ 文档下载 ]

#第一文档网# 导语】以下是®第一文档网的小编为您整理的《暴力:一种微社会学理论》,欢迎阅读!
1.并非“暴力的人”violent individuals而是“暴力情境”violent situations 暴力人群:黑人、穷人、单亲家庭小孩(背景条件) 暴力情境的动力机制(dynamics

暴力产生:面对紧张和恐惧。暴力无法改变这种情绪 理论:心理学解释

成功的暴力克服紧张和恐惧,转变为情感能量 娱乐媒体扭曲了真实暴力,使其变成神话 antagonistic group identities.

Third, even those persons w h o are violent, are violent only a small part of the time. Consider w h a t we mean when we say that a person is violent, or "very violent." We have in mind someone w h o is a convicted murderer,

or has committed a string of murders; w h o has been in many fights, slashed people with a knife, or battered them with fists. But if we consider

that everyday life unfolds in a chain of situations, minute by minute, most of the time there is very little violence. This is apparent from ethnographic observations, even in statistically very violent neighborhoods. A homicide rate of ten deaths per 100,000 persons (the rate in the United States peak- ing in 1990) is a fairly high rate, but it means that 99,990 out of 100,000 persons do not get murdered in a year; and 97,000 of them (again, taking the peak rate) are n o t assaulted even in minor incidents. And these violent incidents are spread out over a year; the chances of murder or assault happening to a particular person at any particular moment on a particular day during that year are very small. This applies even to those persons w h o actually do commit one or more murders, assaults, armed robberies, or rapes (or for that matter, cops w h o beat up suspects) during the course of the year. Even those persons w h o statistically commit a lot of crime scarcely do so at a rate of more than once a week or so; the most notorious massacres in schools, workplaces, or public places, carried out by lone individuals, have killed as m a n y as twenty-five persons, but generally within a single episodes (Hickey 2 0 0 2 ; N e w m a n et al. 2004). The most sustained violent persons are serial killers, w h o average between six and thirteen victims over a period of years; but these are extremely rare (about one victim per five million population), and even these repeat killers go months between killings, waiting for just the right situation to strike

(Hickey 2 0 0 2 : 1 2 - 1 3 , 2 4 1 - 4 2 ) . Another kind of rare cluster of violence, crime sprees, may continue for a period of days, in a chain of events linked closely by emotions and circumstances so as to comprise a tunnel of vio- lence. Leaving these extended sequences of violence aside for the moment, I w a n t to underline the conclusion: even people that we think of as very violentbecause they have been violent in more than one situation, or spectacularly violent on some occasionare violent only in very particu- lar situations.

Even the toughest hoodlums are off duty some of the time.

Most of the time, the most dangerous, most violent persons are not doing

anything violent. Even for these people, the dynamics of situations are crucial in explaining w h a t violence they actually do.

