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作者:蓝佩莉 凌县华
来源:《校园英语》 2020年第26期
文/蓝佩莉 凌县华
【Abstract】 With the accelerating pace of China and international economic development, the gradual construction of The China Great Bay Area not only provides an important opportunity to transform the cultivation modes for English majors but also confronts a great challenge of English reform in vocational schools. The
traditional teaching of business English is out of line with the demand of social talent market. The Innovation and Entrepreneurship Education becomes a mere
formality, lacking of practical effect. At present, teachers should considering how to integrate innovation and entrepreneurship into business English teaching.
Cultivating integrated business English talents is worth exploring and practicing.
【Key words】The China Great Bay Area; Business English; Innovation and Entrepreneurship Education
“双创”教育是新的社会和经济发展背景下提出的一种先进的教育教学模式。“双创”即创新创业。党的十七大提出“提高自主创新能力,建设创新型国家” 和“促进以创业带动就业”的发展战略。2015 年,李克强总理在《政府工作报告》中突出强调大众创业、万众创新,推动了“双创”教育的发展。技术和人才的竞争是当今国际竞争的核心方面,职业教育肩负着培养国际化商务英语人才的使命,职校英语改革必须结合培养“双创型”人才的要求,实现教学内容与时俱进,创新教学模式,提高学生综合语言技能和“双创”能力。
传统的商务英语教学不断循环着“教答案、背答案、考答案” 的机械流程。在新的时代背景下,教学问题日益显现,主要表现在:(1)人才培养与市场需求相脱节;(2)课程设置重理论