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【期刊名称】《教学研究》 【年(卷),期】2018(041)006
【摘 要】Due to the trends of social change and educational reform,this study explores Sociology of Education of teacher education curriculum,the problems of the theory-practice gap,and the innovation of teacher professional competencies. The importance and frequency of Knowledge-Based theory,Interview Survey,and a new kind of survey method called Day Reconstruction Method (DRM) are adopted,and the main purpose of this study is investigating knowledge of Sociology of Education from practice and teacher education institutions,and knowledge of teacher professional competencies from policy text. Data analysis from historical experience and future trends yield the following results: seven dimensions and fifteen knowledge points of knowledge of Sociology of Education from teacher education curriculum. The paper provids suggestions that Sociology of Knowledge guide teacher education,and the teacher education students will combine theory and practice in the future.%基于社会变迁与教师教育改革的趋势,针对教师教育课程的教育社会学,在过去理论与实践断裂的问题以及培养教师专业素养的革新中,通过日常重建法、理论知识重要性与使用频率、访问法等,从实践中确认教育社会学知识; 同时也从关键词撷取技术和教师专业素养指引的文件
分析中,探索教师教育机构教育社会学知识的共识与政策文本中培养教师专业素养所需知识.根据来自历史经验与未来趋势的实证结果,确认教师教育课程的教育社会学知识共有7面向15个知识点,可作为当下设计培育教师的社会知识基础,以培养能结合理论与实践以及具备教师专业素养的师资. 【总页数】11页(P47-57) 【作 者】黄嘉莉;武佳滢
【作者单位】台湾师范大学 师资培育学院,台湾 台北10644;台湾师范大学 教育学系,台湾 台北10644 【正文语种】中 文 【中图分类】G642.0 【相关文献】
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