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命置高考英语阅读明白得题时,命题人常常会给出一些与所给篇章中的原文原句相似或完全一样的选项,同窗们很容易把这种选项看成正确选项。事实上,它们未必就 是正确选项,而且很有可能是命题人利用学生做题适应和急躁心态所设置的最强干扰项。它们有可能与原文原句所表达的意义不一致,或与命题题干所要求的内容不 相符。设置此类陷阱要紧有以下三种方式:
高考阅读明白得题中所给出的有 些选项,看起来与原文中的某个句子十分相似,但由于命题人在提供选项时已经换掉了其中的部份文字,使得该选项的内容与原文原句所表达的意义产生了专门大的不 同,该选项不能作为正确选项。而真正的正确选项尽管与原文原句所利用的词语或句式不尽相同,却能够正确表达原文内容。
例如:(北京高 考)Last summer I went through a training program and became a literacy volunteer(扫盲志愿者).The training I received,though excellent,did not tell me how it was to work with a real student, I began to discover what other people's lives were like because they could not read,I realized the true importance of reading.……
这篇阅读明白得后有如此一道题: What did the author do last summer? worked in the supermarket. helped someone to read and write. gave single mothers the help they needed
went to a training program to help a literacy volunteer.
D选项与原文中划线部份内容看起来十分相似,可是由于命题人对黑体字部份的替换,使得选项所表达的内容(她参加了一个培训班,来帮忙扫盲志愿者)和原文 原句所表达的内容(她参加了一个培训班,成了一名扫盲志愿者)已经完全不相同,因此,该选项不是正确选项。而真正的正确选项是B。尽管咱们不能从原文中找 到和B选项一样的句子,但它却正确表达了一个扫盲志愿者的工作内容。 -一字之差,意义相反
高 考阅读明白得题的命题人,常利用原文原句中所利用词语的反义词,使所给选项,
看似表达原文意义,而事实上却与原文意义相反。比如:(北京春高 考)……First,the radioactive material must travel from its place of production to the power the power stations themselves are strongly built,the containers used for the transport of the materials are ,only two methods of transport are in use,namely road or ,both of these may have an effect on the general public,since they are sure to pass near or even through heavily populated areas.……
这篇阅读明白得后的一道题中有如此一个选项:It's unusual for radioactive materials to be transported across land.那个选项中由于unusual一词的利用,使选项意义与原文中划线部份的意思正好相反。若是选项中利用usual一词,那个选项就与原文意义一 致了。
-利用only,not…at al,absolutely等词,使选项内容过于绝对化
在做高考阅读明白得题时,要注意选项 中only,not…at all,absolutely等表示绝对意义的词的利用,含有这种词的选项往往因其意义过于绝对化而与原文中所表达的相关内容不一致。例如:(2005辽 宁,D篇)……The fact that most of these young people have go to Europeanized or Americanized societies makes it unlikely that they will hold as tightly to the value of duty as they should have if they had not left their countries……
这篇阅读明白得后的一道题中有如此一个选项:If young people go abroad,they do not hold to the value of duty at all.原文的意思是这些人对老人的责任心不强,而选项的意思那么成了这些人对老人一点责任心都没有。 -虽为原文原句,但答非所问
(山东高考)……The emotional center of Love is Bill Cosey,the former owner and host of the shabby Cosey's Hotel and Resort in Silk,North Carolina,described in the novel as“the best and best-known vacation spot for colored folk on the East Coast.”We get to know Cosey through the memories of five women who survive and love him:his granddaughter,his widow,two former employees,and a home less young girl…… The novel Love mainly describes______.
best-known vacation spot for colored folk on the East Coast life of an outstanding black family under slavery miserable experience of the five women in Harlem