【#第一文档网# 导语】以下是®第一文档网的小编为您整理的《员工用英语怎么说》,欢迎阅读!

员工是指企业单位中各种用工形式的人员,那么你知道员工用英语怎么说吗?下面跟店铺一起学习关于员工的英语知识吧。 员工的英语说法
staff employee personnel 员工的相关短语
员工顾问 Personnel Consultant ; Personnel C ultant ;
员工培训 Employee Training ; staff training ; The employee is trained ;
员工考核 evaluation of employee ; Staff appraisal ; Employee Review ;
员工参与 Employee Involvement ; employee participation ; Employee engagement ;
员工手册 Employee Handbook ; Employee Manual ; 员工评估 staff appraisal ; employee evaluation ; 优秀员工 outstanding employee ; Outstanding staff
员工管理 the staff manages ; Staff Management ; personnel administration ; Workforce Management
员工测评 Employee Survey ; appraisal of employee ; employee survey 员工的英语例句
1. "One thing you can never insure against is corruption among your staff."—"Agreed."
“永远也防不胜防的就是员工内部的贪污腐败。”——“同意。” 2. Substantial numbers of rank and file members ignored their union's advice.
3. If the company was to relocate, most employees would move.
4. They give their new employees a day or two of perfunctory orientation.
5. Free room and board are provided for all hotel staff. 宾馆的所有员工都可享受免费膳宿。
6. An employer can demand written certification that the relative is really ill.
雇主可以要求出具书面证明,证实员工的亲人确实病了。 7. There are only 35 staff to serve 30,000-plus customers. 只有35名员工,却要为3万多顾客服务。
8. He waxed lyrical about the skills and commitment of his employees.
9. I didn't let on to the staff what my conversation was. 我没有将谈话内容向员工们透露。
10. One of the problem areas is lax security for airport personnel.
11. Critics attacked the youth and inexperience of his staff. 批评家们抨击他的员工年纪太轻,缺乏经验。
12. The company has been branded racist by some of its own staff.
13. We hear endless injunctions to build a sense of community among staff.
我们听到上面没完没了地讲要在员工中培养一种集体归属感。 14. Employees are paid salaries commensurate with those of