【#第一文档网# 导语】以下是®第一文档网的小编为您整理的《美国的charter school是什么,和一般学校有什么区别?》,欢迎阅读!

charter school是美国州政府在公共教育体系之外特许的中小学水平的教育机构,中文一般称为特许学校。相比一般州立中小学,特许学校需要遵守的规定更少,但同时获得的资金支持也更少。特许学校同样分为营利和非营利,其中非营利特许学校不可从私人处获得资金捐助。
麻省大学艾姆赫斯特分校的教授Ray Budde于1974年首次提出了charter school的概念,并于1988年被时任教师协会主席Albert Shanker采纳推广。1991年,明尼苏达州第一个通过了charter school的相关法案。
前美国总统布什提出的《不让一个孩子掉队》法令(No Child Left Behind Act)同样促进了charter school的发展。一个公立学校如果连续三年在州标准化统考中不合格将面临被关闭的制裁,虽然鼓吹给家长更多接受教育的方式和选择,学生可以转至学区其 他学校,但实际情况是low-performing成绩不合格的学校往往在贫困社区,位于该社区的学区的其他学校往往也是半斤八两,转到别的学区或私立学 校,又面临交通和学费的问题,贫困家庭的学生事实上的选择很少。在这种情况下,charter school就应运而生了,并有蓬勃发展的趋势。 当一所学校面临被关闭的厄运时,州政府,当地的社会机构,企业,甚至个人可以将其接管,转为charter school。charter school的启动基金来自州政府,布什《不让一个孩子掉队》计划中一年也提供超过20亿美金的基金支助charter school的启动和运作,布什政府是积极支持charter school的,认为为家长多提供了一种就学选择,是有效的一种教改措施。 2016-2017年,全美42个州及华盛顿特区共设有预计6900特许学校,约有310万学生就读于特许学校。就读人数在过去15年增长了6倍。
charter school与一般公立学校最大的不同是它不受一般公立学校的法令条例限制,可以有自己的操作系统,而同美国公立学校系统一样,charter school从如何启动成立,如何运作,资金来源,教师执教资格等等各州都不一样,都有自己的一套。总体来说,任何个人、团体、企业都可申请提交意愿书成立charter school,一般由当地学区或州教育部门批准,charter school面向所有学生,不得收费,资金来源各州不尽相同,资金投入相差很多,不仅取决于州政府的支助,更在于社会各方的基金赞助,教师质量也可以是悬殊很大,但一般说来持合格执教资格证书的老师不会多于一般公立学校。
Describe an article on health you read on magazine or the Internet You should say: What it was
Where you read it Why you read it
And explain how you felt about it 范文:
这篇关于健康的文章是我在凤凰网上读到的关于詹妮弗安妮斯顿如何保持健康和美丽的秘密。一看到这个标题我就受到了吸引。这篇文章讲述了她跑步时可以放松高曝光的明星生活的压力,可以交到更多的朋友,可以锻炼心血管系统。 我读了这篇文章深深地受到鼓舞。因为她下定决心并且努力完成这些事情是非常不容易的。
The article on health I read on Internet is the one talking about jogging. Last weekend, after I had dinner with my family, I went online to browse the website(浏览网页), and was attracted by one of articles in ifeng website, health section. It was a small article introducing the way for a celebrity(名流) Jennifer Anniston to stay healthy and stay in shape. She worked hard to maintain a very physically attractive (外貌有吸引力)body, and her secret is to jog an hour everyday. Since I am a big fan of Jennifer Anniston, my curiosity was stimulated by the title –
the secret of Jennifer Anniston’s health and beauty. She says in the article when she jogs in the park or near the river, the peaceful environment help her relax and take her mind off all the pressure from highly exposed celebrity life(高曝光的名流生活). She also mentions that jog also help consume the fat in the body(消耗脂肪), speed up metabolism rate(提高新陈代谢), and improve cardio-vascular system(提高心血管系统). Besides, another important benefit that jogging bring to her life is it helps her make a lot friends with the same interest. Since she joins some jogging club,she could discuss how to run better with them, and exchange information about the ways to stay healthy.
After reading this article, I felt very motivated since I can see that Jennifer Anniston worked really hard and had a great determination to stay healthy