【#第一文档网# 导语】以下是®第一文档网的小编为您整理的《组织环境与相关方要求管理程序英文版》,欢迎阅读!
In order to ensure that the planning of the company's quality management system can achieve the to expected results, identify, monitor and review the internal and external environment related to the compa ny's purpose and strategic direct ion; ide ntify, mon itor and review the expectati ons or requireme nt of the releva nt parties related to the compa ny's quality man ageme nt system; ide ntify the risks accord ing the in ternal and external factors and the expectati ons or requireme nts of the releva nt parties, comb ined with the existing strengths and weaknessesof the company And opportunities; plan countermeasures against identified risks and opportunities.
All releva nt departme nts and processes of the quality man ageme nt system.
3. Defi nition
3.1 environmental factors: factors from internal or external of the company that may affect the quality man ageme nt system.
3.2 in terested parties: the in dividuals or orga ni zatio ns that can in flue nee, or be in flue need by, the decisio or behaviors of the compa ny, or feel the in flue nee.
4. Power and resp on sibility
4.1 General Manager: determine internal and external environmental factors and expectations or requireme nts of in terested parties, and approve coun termeasures for risks and opport un ities.
4.2 Manager: organize all departmentsto identify and evaluate the internal and external environmenta factors and expectati ons or requireme nts of in terested parties, formulate coun termeasures, and review t' results. 4.3 all departments: cooperate to identify and evaluate internal and external environmental factors anc expectati ons or requireme nts of in terested parties, and formulate coun termeasures. 5. Flow chart N/A
6. Procedure content
6.1 orga ni zati on en vir onment man ageme nt
6.1.1 whe n establishi ng and impro ving the quality and en vir onmen tal man ageme nt system, the compa ny will fully identify, understand and consider the internal and external environment that is related to the compa ny's purpose and strategic direct ion and affects the compa ny's ability to achieve the expected res of the quality and en vir onmen tal man ageme nt system.
6.1.2 identification and evaluation of internal and external environmental factors: before the annua man
ageme nt review, the heads of releva nt departme nts shall ide ntify and evaluate the applicability. The specific departme nts and ide ntificati on items are as follows:
A) Admi ni strati on departme nt: internal (compa ny values, corporate culture, pers onnel capacity, system operation, process capacity, etc.), external (geographic location, existing pollution, law, competition, market, culture, social and economic environment, etc.).
B) Sales Departme nt: intern al (product, pers onnel capacity, kno wledge, performa nee, etc.), exter nal (leg
tech ni cal, competitive, social and econo mic en vir onment, etc.).
C) Purchasing department: internal (products, activities, services, performanee, etc.), external (law, tech no logy, competiti on, market, culture, supplier, social and econo mic en vir onment, etc.).
D) Man ager: intern al (strategy, kno wledge, pers onnel capability, performa nee, etc.), exter nal (social and econo mic en vir onment, etc.).
6.1.3 each department shall register the identification results in the SWOT analysis form of company operation and submit it to the manager for summary.
6.1.4 monitoring and updating of internal and external environmental elements:
The manager shall organize a comprehensive identification and review of internal and externa en vir onmen tal factors before the man ageme nt review every year. I n additi on, each departme nt shall info the manager in time when obtaining the information changes of internal and external environmenta factors, and the man ager shall revise the SWOT an alysis table of the compa ny's operati on.
6.2 expectati ons or requireme nts man ageme nt of in terested parties
6.2.1 ide ntificati on and evaluati on of expectati ons or requireme nts of in terested parties:
Related parties include but are not limited to customers, owners, members of the organization, suppliers banks, trade unions, partners, competitors or social groups or industry associations. Before the annua man ageme nt review, the heads of releva nt departme nts shall ide ntify and evaluate the applicability. The specific departme nts and ide ntificati on items are as follows:
A) Customer: products meet customer requireme nts, timely delivery and reas on able price.
B) External supplier: long term cooperation, win-win, high qualified rate of incoming materials, timely payme nt.
C) Employees: in crease in salary and ben efits, provide trai ning opport un ities, and have certa in recreatio activities.
D) Audit in stituti on: the effective ness, sufficie ncy and con formity of the compa ny's system operati on. E) Gover nment age ncies: safe product ion, en vir onmen tal protectio n producti on, maximum employme ni and good econo mic ben efits.
F) Manager: owner, partner, competitor or social group.
J) Sales Departme nt: customers, employees, competitors or social groups.
H) Purchas ing departme nt: customers, suppliers, competitors or social groups.
G) Admi nistrati on departme nt: employee represe ntatives, nearby en terprises and reside nts, ban ks, labor unions, social orga ni zati ons.
6.2.2 each department shall register the identification results on the identification form of needs anc expectati ons of in terested parties and submit it to the man ager for summary and arran geme nt.
6.2.3 expectati ons or requireme nts of releva nt parties for mon itori ng and updat ing: the man ager shal orga nize a comprehe nsive ide ntificati on and review of in ternal and exter nal en vir onmen tal factors before the man ageme nt review every year.
6.2.4 each department shall inform the manager in time when obtaining information changes of internal and external environmental factors, and the manager shall revise the identification form of needs and expectations of interested parties.