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#第一文档网# 导语】以下是®第一文档网的小编为您整理的《职场必备技能-厦门英语培训商务务英语》,欢迎阅读!

Essential Skills for Employment 职场必备技能 中英文对照(英澜英语

Getting the job is not always about education and experience. As each company has different needs, their employees would also have unique qualities that will ensure their success after sometime. They do not automatically hire anyone who has experience and education related to the industry


Even with the differences in need, there are certain are looking for in candidates today, If you are looking to increase your chances in employment, its better to have these shills as they would usually mean employment.


Flexibility-More and more companies are looking for employees who are not only available in working when the sun is up. Some companies might require their employees to go on nightshift or work during the weekends . Although you still have a two-day rest in a week, those two days will not necessarily fall on a weekend. 灵活性——越来越多的企业希望聘用的员工不公公能在白天时段工作的。有些可能要示员工上夜班或者周末上班。虽然你一周仍有两天的休息日,但这两天可不一定在周末了。

This is rather difficult for some employees but as most companies go global, contacts outside the country do not necessarily adjust to the local time zone . This skill is rather easy to do. It just takes a couple of days before you can work flawlessly even at nighttime.


Research Skills This type of skill is rather challenging. During your college days, you are asked to do research on a specific subject and you do it because your grade hangs on what you write in your paper. Although that does not happen when you are at work, you will still need to research a lot and instead of grades, your salary is on the line.

调研能力——这个能力具有挑战性。读书的时候 对一个专题做调查研究,你的论文决定 了你的评分。虽然工作的时候和读书的时候不同,但你仍旧需要做大量的调查研究,为的不是评分,而是你的工资收入。

Companies are now valuing research skills more than ever since they do not want employees who follow instructions companies are keener in hiring employees who can think by analyzing the situation and presenting a valuable solution which brings us to the next skill.

如今的企业 越来越重视调研能力,希望员工们不公公只会被动听命行事。企业热衷于聘用那些能独立分析情况、提供有效解决方案的人。这就要说到下一个能力了。登录英澜官网领取免费外教课程

Communication Aside form knowing what to do to survive certain challenges in business, the employees should also know how to present that plan. Communication skills could mean a lot of things your ability to lead, analyses and interact with fellow employees and superiors could be determined by how you say a lot of things during an actual presentation.


If you think you are lacking in this skill , here is a tip: start writing. When you write, there are so many things that will come to your mind. You do not have to make it public such as by placing it in s blog, you just have to practice on how you can clearly express our ideas.


