【#第一文档网# 导语】以下是®第一文档网的小编为您整理的《英语学习总结》,欢迎阅读!

Summary of the English Studying
After four months of studying in XISU(Xi'an International Studies University), I had have learned a lot and improved much in english. At XISU, we had 20 students in our classroom and studied together. My follow students were from all over the China such as Xin’jiang, Guang’dong, Ning’xia and also some were native. We had different difficulties in studying english. Haiyan,who come from Guang’dong, got a bad pronunciation in [z] and [s], on the other hand , the students form northern of Shan’xi also had some issues about the pronunciation.When we had break after class, we were playing badminton or ping-pong together, and it made us feel more better after 45 minutes of studying.
At classes,we concentrated on studying and made a big process. In reading classes, MS Ding always read book clearly, and told us the new words that we should memory. Besides that, she had have fun with us regularly, it might be a joke in class, or told us interest things about her. As a new mother, the grammar teacher named Hong Juanli taught us grammar well,too. Grammar is difficult for most students, and it is same to me, because spent 90 minutes on studying grammar just make us want to sleep. Then she would tried her best to spoke some stories about how english people got grammar and the meaning of it. It was worked usually, we could cleared our head and got ourselves together. We got the best teacher in speaking english class, MS Chris come from Australia with her
spouse and had worked in China for serval years. As a responsible teacher, she had prepared much when she have classes with us. When we had the first class, we most had not english name, MS Chris let everyone in the class introduce himself/herself to her, including the means of the name, so she could named each one more correct, and all the followers got an interesting english name. Her classes were also amusing, she generally answered the question that she told us in her opinion after we had did it.
We had learned much about mechanical english. In two month’s study, the teacher interpret the english technical regulations that we used in company. As a worker of inspection unit, I learned much about the product in Chinese, but it casted me down almost every time when I faced english documents. After the english technical regulations studying, we all could read it and got the meaning.
As a worker and learner, I feel it was great to studied in XISU for four months, if LS could invite a english teacher to interpret english every weekend in LS or college, we will appreciate it a lot!