
2023-01-05 12:02:16   第一文档网     [ 字体: ] [ 阅读: ] [ 文档下载 ]

#第一文档网# 导语】以下是®第一文档网的小编为您整理的《三只小猪学英语第14课》,欢迎阅读!
三只小猪学英语14 第一只小猪出点子

The three cats 饱饱地吃了一顿rice noodles,他们边抹嘴巴边说:Thank you ,Mr. Little Pig .The white cat 说:your rice noodles are very good .以后,want to按照your 方法炒rice noodles myself . The black cat 连忙说:“Me too .The brown cat 也跟着说:“Me too .第一只 little pig 说:very good .I am happy 你们都明白了,无论如何不能过不劳而获的生活,你们应该尽早学一门专长,找一份工作,靠自己的劳动养活自己。

The white cat 马上说:Yes ,Mr. Little Pig ,你说得太对了,我是应该学一门专长,可是您说我干哪一行比较合适呢?”第一只little pig 说:“我看your 讲话水平提高,表达能力也不错,口齿伶俐,你呀,当一个English teacher 怎么样?Do you want to be an English teacher? The white cat 听到第一只little pig 如此夸奖自己,感到very happy.连忙说:Yes, I do .第一只little pig 听到 the white cat 说:Yes, I do .马上说:Good ,you are go to a teachers school .等你读完了teachers school ,you can be a teacher .The white cat 说:Good idea ,ok. I will go to a teachers school .I want to 好好学习,毕业后,I want to be a good teacher.

听到这话,The black cat 着急了,他说:You want to be a teacher .那我做什么呢?”The white cat 说:“你还是请Mr. Little Pig help you 出个idea 吧!第一只 little pig 笑眯眯地对the black cat 说:“我看your 身体is very 强壮,反应也挺快,你呀,做一个police officer 么样?Do you want to be a police officer?The black cat 听到第一只little big 如此夸奖自已,感到very happy 连忙说:Yes ,I do .”第一只little pig 听到the black cat 说:Yes, I do .马上说:Good, you can go to a police offices school . 等你读完了police officers school ,you can be a police officer.The black cat 说:Good idea, ok. I will go to a police officers school. I want to 好好学习,毕业后,I want to be a good police officer.

听到这话,The brown cat 着急了,他说:You want to be a police officer,那我做什么呢?”The black cat 说:“你还是请 Mr. Little Pig help you 出个 idea 吧!第一只little pig 笑眯眯地对the brown cat 说:“我看your 嗓子is very good.乐感也很强,你呀!做一个music teacher,怎么样?Do you want to be a music teacher ? The brown cat 听到第一只little pig 如此夸奖自己,感到very happy ,连忙说:Yes, I do .第一只little pig 听到 the brown cat 说:Yes ,I do .”马上说:Good ,you can go to a music school .到了music school ,you can 学唱歌,学钢琴,学小提琴,反正跟music 有关的课程你都可以学,等你读完了music school .You can be a music teacher. The brown cat 说:Good idea .ok ,I will go to a music school .I want to 好好学习,毕业后,I want to be a good music teacher .

就这样,第一只little pig the three cats 各出一个good idea ,The three cats are very happy . 他们说了声:Thank you ,Bye-Bye .”就离开了第一只little pigs house.

