【#第一文档网# 导语】以下是®第一文档网的小编为您整理的《你做到了吗?10个你必须完成的任务 英语》,欢迎阅读!
What’s on your todo list says a lot about you. It determines what you will get done and what you will remember to do. Some people keep lists of any and all task that come their way. Others only write down the few tasks they know they can do today.
任务清单上有哪些任务很能说明问题。这决定你能完成什么,又记住了什么。有人不管遇到什么都事无巨细记下来,有些人却只记下当天能完成的任务。 What do you put on your todo list? 你的任务清单都有哪些内容?
Some write down only the things they know will get done. Others write down what they completed and then immediately check the items off. (Kind of a reverse1 todo list.)
You shouldn’t be afraid to add things to your list. Adding a task to your list shouldn’t be looked at as a burden or hard commitment. Rather, it is a way to track your tasks. Let your list remember your tasks, so that you don’t have to keep them all in your head.
不要害怕往清单上添加任务。增加清单任务并不是什么负担或多么严肃的承诺。其实,这只是管理任务的一种方法。用笔头记下任务,这样就不必全部塞在脑子里。 Here are 10 Things That Should Be On Your Todo List Today: 下面这10件事,就该列在今天的任务清单上。
1. The Task You Will Forget 容易忘记的任务
Your todo list should have your back so that you don’t have to remember all your tasks. Get them out of your head and on your list. You can concentrate on the task at hand and come back to the other items later.
2. The Things You Absolutely Must Do Today 当天必须搞定的事情
Put your non-negotiable tasks at the top of your list. Or highlight or star them. Whatever you need to do to make it immediately visible what tasks you must get done today.
3. The New Habit 新习惯
Forming habits is hard. Add the positive habits you are trying to develop by putting them right on your todo list. Checking them off will help you build lasting2 behaviors. 习惯的养成很难。把你正努力养成的好习惯记到任务清单上,时常检讨,这样才能长久维持。
4. The Step Towards Your Goal 实现目标的具体计划
Big goals don’t happen overnight. Rather, they happen step-by-step and
day-by-day. Make sure you have a daily step towards your big goal on your todo list. Every day.
5. The Menial Task 鸡毛蒜皮小事
Don’t be afraid to write even the simplest tasks on your list. It will help you remember them (See #1), and it feels great when you check them off.
6. The Promise You Made to Someone 对他人的承诺
How many promises do you break simply because you forget them? When you promise to do something for someone else, immediately write it down on your list. Your todo list can double as your promise list.
7. The Task You Delegated3 委派的任务
Just because you delegated a task to someone else does not mean that you can forget about it. Keep the delegated task on your list until you have confirmation4 that it is completed.
8. The Task You Need to Do For Yourself 个人私事
We tend to put things on our list that we need to do or owe to others. It is just as important to put tasks down that you owe yourself. What do you need to do to take care of you? Add it to your list.
9. The Task with a Deadline 有期限的任务