【#第一文档网# 导语】以下是®第一文档网的小编为您整理的《十二句的英语绘本》,欢迎阅读!
英文绘本故事推荐 1、《Bear Snores On》 《贝尔熊打呼噜》
This story is great,it will make the kids anticipate and question why the bear is sleeping and when he will wake up.There are a lot of fun descriptive words for the kids to learn as they are flipping through the pages.This story is even more fun once interpreted into acting out in class and letting the students become the characters themselves.
2、《The very hungry caterpillar》 《好饿的毛毛虫》
This story is simple enough for anyone to understand!This story teaches students about days of the week,a life cycle of
a butterfly and about different foods.You can do a lot of follow up activities or arts and crafts to go along with this book,which will help students comprehend the story much more.
3、《Where the Wild Things Are》 《野兽出没的地方》
This story takes you on a huge adventure and the whole time you feel like you’re right there inside the book.It teaches you about problem solving,friendship and about families.
4、《wee sing:温馨童谣》
Wee Sing系列囊括几百首英文经典儿歌歌曲,内容丰富,音乐动听,在美国风行几十年,家喻户晓,路边小店都有售。尤为可贵的是,歌本中许多歌注明可开展的奥尔夫音乐活动,对家长极具指导意义。是最好的英文歌集。如果您推崇奥尔夫教育、或是喜欢英文歌、或是想让孩子学英文、或是想知道什么是真正的儿童歌曲,不妨在书橱里备上一套。《温馨童谣》第一部分是一些配乐的、有节奏的幼儿游戏。包括手指游戏、脸部游戏、脚部游戏、搔痒痒、拍拍手、晃膝部和脚踝、舞蹈等。在做这些游戏时,您的孩子就会开始注意音律节奏了,并且能够亲身体验各种不同形式的动作,听到各种声音,这样他(她)就拥有大量的视觉和触觉感受。本书的第二部分包括摇篮曲和