【#第一文档网# 导语】以下是®第一文档网的小编为您整理的《[感恩节英语怎么说读音]感恩节的英语怎么说》,欢迎阅读!
【元宵节】Thanksgiving Day 例句 An ancient Greek hymn of thanksgiving or invocation,especially to Apollo. 赞歌古代希腊感恩节或祈祷
的一种赞美诗,尤指对太阳神 Gingrich is larger than life, captivating, a combination of the grandiose and the goofy-like a figure in the Macy”s Thanksgiving parade 金里奇的形象被夸大了,很迷人的,既雄伟又滑稽——就像梅西百货公司办的感恩节游行中的一个角色。 And in 1941, thanksgiving was finally sanctioned by Congress as a legal holiday, as the fourth Thursday in November 1941年,美国国会最终通过决议,将感恩节定为美国法定假日,的时间是每年11月的最后一----------------精选公文范文----------------
个星期四。 On Nov. 24,1993, the newlyweds were driving from Las Vegas to phoenix to visit Krickitt”s parents for Thanksgiving 1993年1月24日,新婚夫妇从拉斯维加斯驱车去菲尼克斯市和克瑞基特的父母团聚,共度感恩节。 The days leading up to Thanksgiving Day often featured school pageants emphasizing peace, harmony and the golden prospects for all Americans 那时候,在快到感恩节的日子里,学校往往举行着重点在于和平、和谐以及全体美国人的光明前景的特色庆祝活动。 In Europe pumpkin is served mainly as a vegetable; in the and Canada pumpkin pie is a traditional Thanksgiving and Christmas dessert. 番瓜在欧洲主要用作蔬菜,番瓜馅饼在美国与加拿大则是感恩节和圣诞节的餐后甜点。 The Pilgrims instituted Thanksgiving Day. 英国清教徒创立了感恩节。 They associate turkey with Thanksgiving. ----------------精选公文范文----------------