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幼儿园大班英语歌曲教学活动 《We wish you a Merry Christmas》
1. 复习关于圣诞节的英语词汇,愿意学唱和表演英语歌曲。 2. 感受合作表演英语歌曲活动的快乐。
Teaching Aids:
PPT,歌曲《We wish you a Merry Christmas》的视频,关于圣诞节的卡片。 Procedures: Ⅰ.Warm-up 1.师幼问好
Hi, good afternoon, dear children. I'm Mr. Zhangzhang. It's nice to meet you. Let's play games before class starts. 2. 游戏“What’s Missing?”
1、This game is what Missing. What picture do l have? Now, I’m going to take a picture to see who know what it is . Everybody Close you eyes and no peeking. Open you eyes What’s Missing. Do children know what kind of festival these pictures are? Yes,you are so clever. ⅡPresentation; 1.聆听完整歌曲
老师将歌曲视频完整播放给幼儿听,请小朋友说一说听完歌曲的感受。 What do the children feel from the song? Can someone tell me? You have a try. Wow~happy? Good job, give me five.…… 2.分段理解儿歌,教师演唱并配上动作。
Shall we add action to this song now? .....ok, Ask the children to stand up and do it with me. 3. 游戏《击鼓传花—圣诞版》
The teacher played music, the children gathered in a circle, the music
stopped, and the other children told her Merry Christmas.
I'm playing music now, and you start to deliver it one after another. When the music stops, other children will tell her Merry Christmas. Do you understand? OK, let's get started. Ⅲ. Practice
1. 幼儿跟着教师唱跳表演歌曲
Is the game just fun? Now let's sing and dance together. You did a good job, in class today. Everbody See you tomorrow. 附:
《We wish you a Merry Christmas》 We wish you a Merry Christmas, We wish you a Merry Christmas, We wish you a Merry Christmas, and a Happy New Year.
Good tidings we bring, To you and your kin , Good tidings for Christmas, And a Happy New Year.
We wish you a Merry Christmas, We wish you a Merry Christmas, We wish you a Merry Christmas, and a Happy New Year.
Good tidings we bring, To you and your kin , Good tidings for Christmas, And a Happy New Year.