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#第一文档网# 导语】以下是®第一文档网的小编为您整理的《大学英语六级翻译专练题附参考译文》,欢迎阅读!


空气质量不仅关乎人类的生存质量,而且也影响着地球上其他的生物。因此我们要自觉保护环境,不断改善空气质量,努力提高人类生活水平。随着工业及交通运输业的不断发展,大量的有害物质被排放到空气中,使人们的健康受到威胁。因此,防治大气污染、控制污染排放就显得尤为重要。植物能过滤掉filter out各种大气污染物和净化空气,森林尤为显著,所以绿化造林afforestation是防治大气污染的比较经济有效的措施。 Air quality not only matters to the living quality of mankind,but also influences other lives on the earth.Therefore, we should consciously protect the environment, keep improving the air quality and raise the living standard of mankind.With the continuous development of industry and transportation, plenty of harmful substances have been released to the air,which threats residentshealth.Therefore, it is especially important to prevent and deal with air pollution and to control the release of pollutants.Plantsespecially woodscan filter air pollutants out and purify the air.So afforestation is a comparatively cost-effective measure to prevent and deal with air pollution. 1.自觉保护环境:可译为consciously protect the environment 2.不断改善空气质量:可译为keep improving the air quality 3.排放:可译为releasedischarge

4.使健康受到威胁:可译为threat one's healthendanger one's health 5.防治大气污染:可译为prevent and deal with the air pollution 6.过滤掉各种大气污染物和净化空气:可译为filter air pollutants out and purify the air


十一黄金周National Day Golden Week是中国最重要的、也是假期时间最长的节日之一。对于旅游市场来说,这是一个拉动内需的好机遇。其实旅游对于扩大内需、刺激消费见效最快。从旅游收入方面看,黄金周期间的旅游收入呈逐年增长的趋势。对于大众来说,人们的休闲娱乐方式越来越丰富。在外打工者可回家探亲,和家人团聚;上班族可利用假期和家人外出旅游或与朋友聚会;学生们则可放松心情睡几天好觉。

The National Day Golden Week is one of the most important and the longest holidays in China.It's a good opportunity to promote domestic demand for

tourism market.Actually,tourism can promote domestic demand and stimulate consumption in the rapidest way.As to the tourism revenue, the earning of tourism during the national holiday is on the rise every year.For the

public,they have more and more ways to have fun.The migrant workers can go back home to visit relatives and reunite with family members;office workers can take advantage of the holiday to travel with family or go to party with friends,and students can have a good sleep for a few days.

1.十一黄金周:可译为National Day Golden WeekNational Holiday Week 2.拉动内需:“拉动”可理解为“促进,增加”等,故可译为promote,booststimulate

3.从…方面来看:可译为as to,in terms of等。 4.逐年:可译为every yearwith each passing year


