少儿简单英语儿歌-Rock Scissors Paper Fingerplay

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#第一文档网# 导语】以下是®第一文档网的小编为您整理的《少儿简单英语儿歌-Rock Scissors Paper Fingerplay》,欢迎阅读!
少儿简单英语儿歌-Rock Scissors Paper Fingerplay

★以下是###少儿英语频道为大家整理的《少儿简单英语儿歌-Rock Scissors Paper Fingerplay》,供大家参考。更多内容请看本站频道。

Rock scissors paper. [Make rock, scissors, and paper gestures with your hands.]

Rock scissors paper. [Make rock, scissors, and paper gestures with your hands.]

One, two, three. [Count to three with your fingers.] Play with me. [Point to your chest with your thumbs.] Right hand ROCK! [Make a fist.]

Left hand PAPER! [Place your left hand out flat.]

(playful music) [Place the PAPER hand on top of the ROCK hand and fly your two hands around like a helicopter.]

It’s a Helicopter! [Fly your helicopter up and down and all around…if you like, pause the music here and spend some time flying around the room!]

Rock scissors paper. Rock scissors paper. One, two, three. Play with me. Right hand ROCK! Left hand ROCK!

(playful music) [Place your fists in front of your nose and make a long nose like Pinocchio.]

It’s PINOCCHIO! [Make your nose grow by moving one fist farther and farther from your face!] Rock scissors paper Rock scissors paper

One, two, three?Play with me Right hand SCISSORS! Left hand PAPER!

(playful music) [Place the paper on top of the scissors and move the "paper" hand up and down like a seesaw]

It’s a SEESAW ! [If you like, pause the music, have all of the students pair off and pretend to ride on see-saws by squatting down and up, down and up, down and up.] Rock scissors paper?Rock scissors paper One, two, three Play with me

Right hand SCISSORS!

Left hand ROCK!?(playful music) [Place the rock on top of the scissors so that it looks like and ice cream cone.) It's an ICE CREAM CONE! [Pretend to lick your ice cream cone! Say, " I have chocolate. What flavor do you have?" Ask each of the students.]

