新东方 复试英语口语 网络课程讲义

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考研复式听力口语 主讲:刘尚杰


研究学习graduate studies 候选人:candidate I am the next candidate.

进入考场以后如何称呼我们的考官:interviewer 英语口语考研复试的评分细则: 1、语言表达的准确性(accuracy 2、语言组织过程中语法结构的正确性; 3、语言当中所使用的具体的词汇; 4、语言发音的标准; 很有可能犯的发音的错误:

1、轻辅音或者是以轻辅音为代表的结尾的单词(graduated 2、摩擦音;问及爱好时:What is your hobby? My father exercises every day.

3、发开元音的时候(money / government / be动词)He is an engineer. 他是一个工程师。 4、浊辅音(have / arrive 考研复试英语面试的具体形式: 1自我陈述型的考察环节; 2、简答环节;

3、口头翻译一些专业的基本概念; 4、复述;(包括听闻复述,读文章复述)

5、对所学专业的一些概念进行概括以及对所学专业的发展方向进行评论; 怎么一开始就良好的表现自己的英文水平:


I am about to finish my study in.... university and I hope I can have the opportunity to study for my master's degree in your school. 能来这里念书一直都是我的梦想。 It has been my dream to come here.

一个好的自我介绍或好的自我陈述应该包括哪几点信息 个人的名字;

如何简要的介绍自己大学教育背景;单词:universitymajor/ subjectspecialize

The major/subjects I learned in my university is computer, I specialized in software engineering and development. 已经工作了的人可以讲讲自己的工作经验I am now working for LENOVO Company as a software development engineer.

关于介绍自己学术背景的句子:I just finished my studies in... university with my major in..../ I am about to receive my bachelor's degree in ...major

大致的介绍自己的研究领域:The major area of my study is ...., and I wish to continue my studies in this area. (Field of study)

经常会使用错误的单词:本科生(undergraduate研究生(graduate student); 学位(degree;学士学位(bachelor's degree;硕士学位(master's degree;文聘(diploma;证书(certificate;职业学校(vocational school;同等学历(associate degree 写学术背景自我介绍时的动词:attendcompleteobtainreceive

讲自己的家乡:I am from Harbin, the capital city of Heilongjiang province.It is the major city in.... province).It is very famous for it's..... 自己进入这个学校后的学习目标和学习方向:

自己在原先学校的优势、优点achievement;挖掘自己的经历(intern实习生)academic scorescholarship 工作的同学可以强调自己工作的优势:I have some practical experience in this area. 在学校某个科目的成绩特别好:I do very well in mathematics.

介绍自己参加过的兴趣活动或兴趣小组:student organizationsearly acceptance

自己的性格可以讲得稍微简单一点:open mindedI am very found of history./ I work very well with others. 一些常规的问题:

你为什么喜欢上我们学校? 你为什么要决定学习这个专业?

The reason for my choice is that....; I am deeply impressed by the learning atmosphere.....; I look forward to my further studies in your school and I appreciate your considering me as one of the candidates.

学校为什么要挑选我们?我们在强调个人优势的时候还要强调下面几个方面: I have outstanding and analytical skillcuriosityadapt 如果一旦有出国学习的机会,你会不会出国学习

Wellif there were such an opportunityI should consider myself very lucky. Meanwhile I should discuss it with my super wising professor and see if I can have his support. I will make the decision that is in the best interest of the school. 关于未来的规划和计划

I haven't really decidedbut I feel I should put what I have learned to good use. I think my future plan will largely depend on how well I learn. 其他的一些常规的问题:


approachI will use certain approach in... studies; researchmethodology 学习计划和安排:study planscheduletime frame 对将来学习的目标:

I can form a systematical view of sth. Familiarize; technique; the latest development of ....If necessary I will continue my research and study for my doctor's degree. 换专业的问题:

previous(先前的)The reason is very complex. I feel that my previous major is very limited. I realized it is not what I want in my life. Everyone can adapt to changes.

强调原先专业和现在所学专业的关联性:I think they are interrelated in terms of. principles;

请问你的爱好:对人生影响的总结I like play basketball because I think basketball game can develop a such kind of team inspirit. 处可以增加自己的亮点;extracurricular(活动)

参加工作的人可以强调自己曾经做过很多的商务活动engage many kind of business activities. ; 曾经参加过各种各样的课程teaching experience


描述最近做过的一个项目whatwhen;和谁一起做;小组成员;where;具体执行项目的方法;whatwhenwhowherehow I have worked on it since...it lasted for....; I assembled a team of 5 people and assigned each member the following tasks. Also many people were involved in this project. The reason for the research is that...; it was conducted in three cities. This research was devised into several steps. First...; Second......; at last....;

和项目或研究有关的动词:协调作用 coordinate e.g.I mainly coordinate between different project teams.在不同的项目小组中,我发挥了协调作用。

分析 analyze e.g.We analyze a lot of data. 我们分析了很多数据。

管理工作 manage组织 organize策划,计划 plan文献编纂 compile修改 revise;论文的第二稿:the second revision of our draftcompile 编纂;design 设计develop 开发;facilitate 辅助;facilitate sb. to do sth.facilitate sb. with sth.investigate 调查present 示。


英语问题中可能问到跟个人知识或研究有关的问题,以及个人对将来的学习的期待, 个人对现实的看法等;包括自身学习的相关计划及情况、个人爱好、经历;价值观方 面的问题(value systembelief Do you have any questions for us?

How your professor can help you in your work and studies? What kind of support he can give you?

How other candidates/graduate students in the same project team will work with me? How can we work together?

What kind of relationships should I develop with them? What kind of responsibilities you should take

Do you think we can have any opportunity for international collaborations in the future? 与实事相关的一些问题:

实事 current issues

Global Financial Crisis全球金融危机;In the face of today's Global Financial Crisis 面临着现在的金融危机 mortagage 抵押贷款;mortagaged backed 以住房贷款为抵押的证券产品; economic slow down 经济放缓; economic stimulus package 经济刺激方案; adopt measures 采取措施;

中国的经济增长目标——保证8%的增长率promise of eight per cent GDP growth

第十一届全国人民代表大会第二次会议 the second session of the eleventh national piople's congress agenda 议题,议程;

CPPCC 全国政协委员会;national committee of the Chinese people's political consultative conference 全国政协委员会全称; motion 动议

the national people's congress deputies 人大代表 NPC standing committee 人大常委 provincial level 省级

reemployment of the laid off workers 再就业 put people first 以人为本

expand domestic demand 扩大内需

home appliances going to the countryside 家电下乡 政府资助的项目 government funded project

home appliances going to the countryside It's a government funded project to expand sales of house hold electric appliances in the country's vast rural areas at prices 13 per cent lower than those in the cities

SMEs 中小型企业;small and medium sized enterprises 全称; SOE 国有企业

privately owned enterprises 私营企业 foreign funded enterprises 外资企业; 压力问题

Can you work under pressures How do you work under pressure? Do you mind working under pressure?

回答:Well ,my understanding is that,working under pressure makes it very painful at first,once you masteried,it could be very rewarding experience.Sometimes if you push yourself a little further each time,you'll amaze to see how much you can accomplish in short amount of time.So working under reasonable amount of pressure,It's good for me,because it helps me grow and also helps me to become better in my studies. 动力问题:motivates recognize 认可

I like to get recognition for what I do in my studies.I hope to live up to people's expectation I like to accpet challenge It's my value/belief to do sth. 复试中的细节 1、一定要守时

2background research to find sth.common 3、注意仪容

4、问答过程中注意自己的姿态和仪态 5、问题和答案之间一定要有很好的衔接

