
2022-08-09 01:47:08   第一文档网     [ 字体: ] [ 阅读: ] [ 文档下载 ]

#第一文档网# 导语】以下是®第一文档网的小编为您整理的《英语动物教学课件_幼儿启蒙英语60集视频》,欢迎阅读!


英语是我们的第二语言,是我们步入学生生涯必不可少的一门语言,学习一门语言最好的时期是0~6岁,为大家提供了英语动物教学课件,一起来看看吧! 活动目标:


2幼儿能理解短语”XX can fly(jump run).”及提问”Which animal do you like? “ 幼儿能大胆地回答“I like……”I。 3、在游戏中培养幼儿英语兴趣。 活动准备:

1动物图片动物头饰。 2动物手偶:青蛙、袋鼠、蝴蝶 活动过程: 一、热身运动 1、打招呼。

2游戏Follow Me 二、学习动物单词: 1、出示动物手偶 T:Look,whats this?

C:Zebra Elephant Deer Rabbit 2游戏复习单词

T: Lets play a game. Whats missing? 3 出示动物幻灯片:(斑马、大象、鹿、兔子)

TTodayAnimals will have a party.Lets have a look.(看大屏幕) T:Who is coming? Black and white .Yes or No? Say in English . Zebra. Zebra is coming.

T: The next one . Guess, who is coming?( 大象、鹿、兔子) 三、学习短语:……can run (jump、fly). 1.TLook here and listen carefully.

The zebra can run. The rabbit can jump. The bird can fly.


Read after me .run jump fly can The “can” means“会、能”

Read the sentences. The zabre can run. The rabbit can jump. The bird can fly.

2.T:In all of these .who can run (jump. fly).Who wants to try? Deer{tiger} can run.Yes or No? Read it please. 四、复习短语:

T:All of animals are very lovely. Which animal do you like? For example. I like Zebra. Think it over. 五、动物表演:

1.T:I prepare for something. Look, What animal? Its orang. Tiger. Yes,it can run.

What animal? Its black and white. Zebra. Yes,it can run. Too. 2.Which animal do you want to be? C:I want to be ……

3.Here are animals pictures. Come here and choose one.

Listen to the music and think who is coming ? Music please.(飞的音)

Who is coming? 老师边说边飞。Birdbeebutterfly come here.Fly. fly,Beautiful.

Listen to the music and think who is coming ? Music please.(跑的音)

Who is coming? Tiger elephant come here run. run ,Beautiful.

Listen to the music and think who is coming ? Music please.(跳的音)

Who is coming? Rabbitdeer come here jump. jump,Beautiful.

4. We are so happy.


Animals party will start. Girls come here. Lets stand in a small cirl and hand in hand.

Boys come here . Form a big circle .Lets have a party. Music Please. Are you ready? 孩子们一起游戏


