
2022-11-04 14:03:45   第一文档网     [ 字体: ] [ 阅读: ] [ 文档下载 ]

#第一文档网# 导语】以下是®第一文档网的小编为您整理的《60个雅思口语基础话题整理》,欢迎阅读!


23 A local event

24 A place you have visited in your country

1 An important letter

25 Your favourite season or time of year

2 An important decision

3 An adventurous person

4 A busy time

5 Receiving a large sum of money

6 A film

7 A vehicle you would like to own

8 A friend

18 A class or course

19 An interesting or unusual thing you did recently

20 A walk you take regularly

21 An English class activity

22 Future plans

26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 38 43 44 3

A leisure centre

A good neighbour

A time when you helped someone

A foreign culture

A childhood friend

A character from a childhood story

A planned trip

A photograph that you like

A place where you often go shopping42 Leisure time


A person you visited

45 The house you lived in as a child 46 A recent news story 47 A positive change

48 Something you saved up for

49 Someone who spoke a different language 50 Your work

51 A piece of equipment 52 A library 53 A wild animal 54 A childhood present

55 Two people from the same family 56 An outdoor activity 57 Some advice you received 58 A leader


雅思口语考试的目的是考察考生是否具备到英语国家学习和生活的基本口头表达能力。因此,它不考察考生能否用英语进行简洁对话的能力,还考察考生是否能够就一些话题进行商议 ,发表意见,更进一步地要求回答一些深层次的问题,以及是否具备确定的规律思索能力。而口语同时也是我们中国考生比较弱势的项目,在预备上必需重点预备的。本文就将针对口语的预备进行对策解读,希望关怀考生们充分把握好口语,并且自己练习时仿佛得到,后在考场上取得好成果。 参加雅思口语考试'考生在考试前充分了解考试的方式、形式和程序,明白自己在每个部分的考试中药做些什么。口语考试和听力考试一样,所包括的三个部分的难度也是慢慢增加的,口语考试模式对全部考生都一样模式固定不变的。考官说的话和所提出的问题也有严格和明确的规定,考官不会随便更改或者自由发挥,这点考生们大可放心,这样就证了每个考生都面对相同难度的试题,证相对的公平。 部分是有两个阶段。个阶段是相互问候,比较随便些,主要是让刚进来的考生放松一下,慢慢渐入佳境。第二部分是会拿到考官发给你的任务卡。依据卡上的要


