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【期刊名称】《高校化学工程学报》 【年(卷),期】2017(031)005
【摘 要】Antidepressants are commonly prescribed psychotropic drugs. Trace levels of antidepressants and their byproducts are widely detected in wastewater and other environmental water samples with the development of chemical analysis, which is considered as emerging organic
contaminants. In this review, current pollution status of antidepressants and their characteristics as well as ecotoxicity in aquatic ecosystem are discussed. Antidepressants in sewage treatment plants, sediments and aquatic organisms are reported at a range of ng.L-1 to μg.L-1 (or ng.L-1 ~μg.kg-1), and urban and hospital sewage treatment plants are considered as the major sources. Since antidepressants can accumulate in biological tissues, they are supposed to have potential chronic toxicity to organisms. Ecotoxicity data indicate that environmental antidepressants are unlikely to cause acute lethal effects on aquatic organisms. However, antidepressant exposure can affect the growth and development of aquatic animals, disrupt endocrine and reproductive functions, and alter reproductive behaviors,which has potential ecological risk and possible threatens to human health. In recent years, research on antidepressants in environment increases globally, but such research is limited in China. Therefore, it is
urgent to assess the risk of antidepressant pollution in the urban water system in China.%抗抑郁药是一类较常见的精神类处方药物.随着化学分析水平的不断提高,痕量水平的药物活性成分及其副产物被广泛发现存在于污染水体中,成为一类重要的水体污染物.目前,常用的抗抑郁类药物(如阿米替林、氟西汀、舍曲林等)均已在城市污水及其它环境水样中被检测到.为了引起社会对水体抗抑郁药污染的关注,并积极采取抗抑郁类药物污染的防治措施,保护鱼类资源和水生系统,综述介绍了水体中抗抑郁药的污染现状、污染特征,并系统分析了其对水生生物的生态毒性.首先,对其污染现状的分析表明:抗抑郁类精神药物在城市污水的收纳水体、沉积物以及水生生物组织中的含量介于ng至 μg.L-1或ng至 μg.kg-1;城市污水处理厂及医院污水处理厂,被认为是精神类药物最重要的来源;该类药物在生物组织中具有一定的富集能力,具有潜在的慢性毒性效应.其次,对其生态毒性的资料分析表明:环境浓度的抗抑郁药对水生生物不会造成急性致死效应,但是能够影响生物的正常生长发育,扰乱生物体体内的内分泌功能,导致生殖器官、生殖机能和生殖行为异常,长期暴露会严重干扰水生生物的物种繁衍,对水生生态系统甚至人类健康具有潜在的威胁.近年来国际上对于抗抑郁药这类新兴污染物的研究逐渐增多,但在我国的研究仍处于起步阶段,深入的了解具有较高生物活性的抗抑郁类药品在我国城市水系统中的迁移转化规律,鉴定饮用水中的抗抑郁类药物种类与残留水平,阐明这类新兴有毒污染物对水生生物的潜在毒性效应阈值,对于保障城市水质资源和水环境的健康发展将具有十分重要的现实意义. 【总页数】19页(P1009-1027)
【作 者】雷鹏辉;杨明;湛晶;王德庆;吴明红
【作者单位】上海大学 环境与化学工程学院,上海 200444;上海大学 射线应用研究所,上海 200444;上海大学 生命科学学院,上海 200444;上海大学 环境与化学工程
学院,上海 200444;上海大学 环境与化学工程学院,上海 200444;上海大学 环境与化学工程学院,上海 200444;上海大学 射线应用研究所,上海 200444 【正文语种】中 文 【中图分类】X131.2 【相关文献】
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