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#第一文档网# 导语】以下是®第一文档网的小编为您整理的《英语阅读美文如何修复皮肤损伤》,欢迎阅读!



ins of sun damg t te ski iclud rinles brw ss n uneven plexin nd tough, leather skin textue

Sundamagd sin s th result of ovrexsure to utrioet, o UV, sunight, whc also cn caus sin cacer.

晒伤的迹象包括皮肤的皱纹、色斑、肤色不均以及粗糙的皮肤纹理。 晒伤的皮肤是皮肤过度暴露在紫外线或阳光下的结果,这样的紫外线和阳光也会导致皮肤癌.

I you e signs o u-damaged skin, ther ar some things you cn do o eai an evenreverse th ffect of too much sn


Istutions 操作指南

1。 Cleanse skin daly with a gentle leaner n exfolate at last twice a ee wth a gente skin srub。


Reving h da cells on te outers layer of he skin o a regular bsi et the skin uderh rgenerat itslf

在定期去除皮肤表层死细胞的基础上让底层的皮肤再生. 2. Use sunscreen daily wih a SP of t least 15 每天用防辐射至少15以上的防晒霜。

Accoring to kin Cancerorg, daly use of sunsree cn lowe yur logterm isk of sin cancer。

根据皮肤癌网显示,每天都使用防晒霜能够长期降低你患皮肤癌的风险。 Using sunscreen prvents addtional sun damage, whle it allows your skin to reai ndrevese sme f he amag tha alredy been doe.


3。 Sta hdated. 保持水分.

Drik plet o water to isturze skin fo wtin. 喝大量的水让你的肌肤从内而外的充满滋润。

Use sturizer n he outsid of yor skin t hydrate, plump up skin ells and st**latthe production of olagen

在皮肤表层涂一些液保湿,膨胀皮肤细胞以及促进胶原蛋白的产生。 . Ue a kin lightene o brow sts cused by th sun 在那些晒斑上面涂一些美白产品.

Fin a rdut tha uses kojic acid with hydroinon and retiolA and a mld stroid toighen discoloratin

找到一种用曲酸和视黄醇以及一种温和的类固醇为配方的淡化色素的产品. 5 See a drmtologist for teatens like photodnamic herap, which uses ight toreve patches of skin damaged y the sn or microerm abraion and oher teaments ha resuce th kin。


6 Tak vitamins E, C and slum and use lotons and kin creams hat ontan these vitamin.


