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Container Dump Site

As an important part of international transportation chain and logistics chain, container transport trade plays a crucial role, and further more some advanced country look it as a important symbol behaved their integrated logistics competition Container Terminal, which is a container transport nerve connects the water transport with landcarriage it affects the container transport. Because of application of modern hi-tech in port, the loaded and unloaded system becomes more and more largescale, highspeed automatism, and information, and the size of Container Terminal is more big, the work efficiency is more high and the throughput is also more much Just because of all this the conventional design of port distinct with the operation fact of modern Container Terminal Design method of port needs improvement constantly, and design thought also needs innovation. Container terminal logistics is an organic system, made of interactive and dynamic components, such as containers, ships berths yards, tracks quay cranes and yard cranes trucks, labors and communications in a limited terminal space. It is a complex discrete event dynamic system related to kinds of complicated problems in logistics transport field

The concept of the container yard Container dump site (CONTAINER YARD CY): Refers to handles the container heavy box or hollow box loading and unloading, the transportation the storage the connection place.

The container dump site some places also call the airfield Regarding the marine transportation container export the dump site function is all exports the customer the container in somewhere first to gather no matter goes through customs or not), after truncation port time, then unified embarks (this time surely already entry That is before the dump site is the container entry embarks the unified assembly area in the dump site containerized freight waiting entry, is advantageous for the boating company like this the customs and so on carries on the management.

Front the container the dump site marshalling yard is refers to front the standard container berth to accelerate the ships handling operation piles up container's location temporarily. Its function is When the container before the port will have the plan to have the order to export the container according to the load request to concentrate the stack neatly, will unload a ship when import the container to pile up temporarily front the wharf, will accelerate the ships handling operation.

Behind the container the dump site (container yard the container heavy box or hollow box carries on the place which the connection takes care and stores up. Front some countries do not divide the dump site to the container dump site or rear area the dump site, is called for the dump site. Behind the container the dump site is the container loading district constituent Is the containerized traffic the field appearance the connection way entire box goods handles the connection the place (in fact is unloads area in container front door mouth to carry on connection).






集装箱堆场(CONTAINER YARDCY):指办理集装箱重箱或空箱装卸,转运,保管,交接的场所。


集装箱前方堆场(marshalling yard)是指在集装箱码头前方,为加速船舶装卸作业,暂时堆放集装箱的场地。其作用是:当集装箱船到港前,计划有次序地按积载要求将出口集装箱整齐地集中堆放,卸船时将进口集装箱暂时堆放在码头前方,以加速船舶装卸作业。 集装箱后方堆场container yard) 集装箱重箱或空箱进行交接、保管和堆存的场所。 些国家对集装箱堆场并不分前方堆场或后方堆场,统称为堆场。集装箱后方堆场是集装箱装卸区的组成部分。是集装箱运输场到场交接方式的整箱货办理交接的场所(实际上是在集装箱卸区大门口进行交接的)


