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#第一文档网# 导语】以下是®第一文档网的小编为您整理的《平时英语的生活口语》,欢迎阅读!

英语口语怎么拿高分呢?其实最重要的是我们平常要多开口,还有把要背的要读,都要复习好哦,我今天整理了一些英语口语,希望可以帮助到大家。 还人清白

1.clear (ones) name

被人冤枉可不是什么好滋味,这个时候最盼望的就是沉冤昭雪、真相大白,可以“ 还一个清白名声〞出来。这个“ 还人清白〞可以用"clear (ones) name"来表示。

这里,“ clear〞是一个动词,意思是“ to free from a legalcharge or imputation of guilt〞。比方:

The verdict cleared the accused man. 裁决宣判被告人无罪。

The pany gave him an opportunity to clearhimself. 公司给了他一个辩白的时机。

我们也可以用“ acquit〞这个词来表示同样的意思:to free or clear from a charge or accusation。但两者之间还是有些细微的区别的:

She not only wanted to be acquitted, she wanted to clear her name entirely. 她不仅要求被判无罪,还要求彻底还她清白。

So, "clear" carries a sense of "purity", of washing away a stain on ones reputation. Clear 有“ 彻底洗刷掉污点〞的意思,acquit 指的是司法行为。 2.sob story


钱辍学、或是抱着昏迷的小孩讨钱,这些小孩很可能是他们买来的孩子。像这样的人编得那些可怜的故事就可以用 sob story 表达。

Sob是哭泣的意思,story就是故事。Sob story的意思就是“ 某人编造一个令人伤心的故事来赢得别人的同情,甚至于让别人给钱来帮助他〞。下面是一位女士在描述她怎么听了一个sob story以后受骗的:

Usually I dont give money to beggars. But this nice young man told me a sob story aboutneeding money for a bus ticket to see his dying mother, so I gave him two dollars.

一般我是不给乞丐钱的。但是,这个看上去挺不错的年轻人告诉我他需要钱坐公共汽车去看他那快要死的妈妈。他说得这么悲惨,我就给了他两块钱。 世界上好心人是不少的,下面这个例子又是一个人上了sob story的当: On my way to work this man stopped me and said that he hadnt eaten in three days so I gavehim a dollar. On my way home I saw him get into a new car and drive off and now I know hehad given me a sob story. 在我去上班的路上那个人挡住了我,对我说,他已经三天没有吃东西了。所以我给了他一块钱。可是,我在回家的路上看见他跨进了一辆新汽车开走了。我这才知道他说的全是假的。 如何看手相

Did you know? There is evidence that palm readingbegan in India about 4,500 years ago

你知道吗?有证据说明,看手相起源于4500年前的印度。 You will need: a palm to read and the basics ofpalmistry 你需要:一个要看的手掌和手相术基础知识

Step 1: Read the dominant hand - the one a personuses to write with;


it reveals what’ s going on now. The passive hand represents a person’ sinherited characteristics


Markedly different lines on each hand indicate a person who has worked 这个人爱调情,很难保持忠诚。

Step 4: Look at the next horizontal line, which is the head line. A strong, straight line thatgoes all the way across the hand indicates a logical, no-nonsense thinker. A zigzag linerepresents a mind that tends to wander. If the line curves downward toward the wrist, theperson is creative and hard to change theirbasic nature

两个手的掌纹明显不同象征着这个人工作刻苦,想改变自己的本性。 Step 2: Know how to view the lines. Read horizontal lines from the thumb side across, andvertical lines from the wrist up


Step 3: Start with the top horizontal line, or the heart line. A line that’ s close to the fingersindicates a passionate, sometimes jealous, person. If the line goes straight across, the personkeeps a tight rein on their emotions. If it curves up toward the finger, the person is moreoutwardly affectionate


Gaps on the heart line suggest the person has known heartbreak. Short lines that cross theheart line show they are very flirtatious and have a hard time staying faithful



第四步:看下面一条水平线,也就是智慧线。一条又粗又直的智慧线横跨手掌表示这个人是个条理分明,很直接的思想家。如果这条线呈Z形,则表示这个人简单思想游离。如果这条线弯曲向手腕,则这个人很有创造力,而且轻信别人。 Step 5: Examine the third major line, which usually slopes from horizontal to vertical, the lifeline. A strong, deep line suggests a person who is enthusiastic about life and strives to reachtheir full potential. A shallow or faint line indicates someone with less ambition 第五步:看看第三条主线,一般是从水平线倾斜到垂直线,也就是生命线。一条又粗又深的生命线暗示着这个人对生活充满热情,努力发挥他的潜力。一条浅的模糊的生命线则表示这个人没有野心。

Contrary to popular belief, the life line has nothing to do with how long a person will live


Step 6: Check out the fate line, the vertical line in the center of the palm. A strong, straightline indicates a person with a focused career; a faint line suggests someone less happy withtheir job. Forks and branches represent many starts and stops in a person’ s career path。 第六步:看看命运线,也就是在手掌中间垂直的线。一条又粗又直的命运线表


示这个人专注于他的职业;而一条模糊的命运线则暗示这个人对现在的工作不满意。命运线上有许多叉子和分支则表示这个人在职业道路上的屡次开始和结束。 Step 7: Don’ t like what you’ re seeing? Remember that your fate is not on your hands but inyour hands. The existing lines simply represent what has e before

第七步:你对你所看到的掌纹不满意?记住你的命运不是“ 显示在你的手上〞的而是“ 掌握在你手中〞的。那些掌纹只是简单地代表了你的过去。


