【#第一文档网# 导语】以下是®第一文档网的小编为您整理的《Just say yummy 英语角 活动 美食》,欢迎阅读!
Just Say Yummy
1.China and America should always work together. 2.Education is very important to our nation.
3.Never forget that most powerful force on earth is love. 4.life is better when you share it.
5.if you choose to be happy ,you will change your life.
barbecued pork叉烧,preseved meat腊肉,lobster龙虾,sausage香肠,fried rice炒饭,porridge稀饭,hot pot火锅,bean curd豆腐,local dish地方菜,curry rice 咖喱饭,today's special今日特餐,chef's special主厨特餐,specialty招牌菜,buffet自助餐,fast food快餐,dim sum点心,kimchi韩国泡菜,crab meat蟹肉,sashimi生鱼片,jasmine tea茉莉花茶,sundae圣代,jerky牛肉干,raisin葡萄干,dried longan桂圆干,chewing gum口香糖,marshmallow棉花糖,rice cake年糕,moon cake月饼,green bean cake绿豆糕,popcorn爆米花,marrons glaces糖炒栗子,late snack宵夜,filet steak菲力牛排,sirloin steak拉郎牛排,well done全熟,medium五分熟,rare三分熟,steamed bread馒头,rice noodles米饭,fried rice noodles河粉,macaroni空心粉,toast土司,instinct noodles方便面 (更多词汇见上期资料)
菜系Cuisine因地理、气候、习俗、特产的不同形成了不同的地方风味,菜系的划分单就汉族的饮食特点而言,目前有四大菜系、八大菜系、十大菜系之说,而且划分系类仍有继续增加的趋势。如果按四大菜系分:有川菜、粤菜、苏菜和鲁菜。 一、四川菜系,简称川菜。
特色:它以麻辣(spicy)、鱼香(with garlic sauce)、 家常(home-style cooking)、怪味(multi-flavor) 、
酸辣(sour spicy)、椒麻、醋椒(花椒chili pepper)为主要特点。
二、广东菜系,简称粤菜。 特色:它以选料广泛,讲究鲜、嫩、爽、滑、浓为主要特点。 代表菜品:龙虎斗、脆皮乳猪、咕噜肉、大良炒鲜奶、潮州火筒炖鲍翅、蚝油牛柳、冬瓜盅、文昌鸡等。
三、江苏菜系,简称苏菜。由淮阳菜、苏州菜、南京菜等组成。 特色:制作精细,因材施艺、四季有别,浓而不腻,味感清鲜,讲究造型。 代表菜品:烤方、淮扬狮子头、叫花鸡、火烧马鞍桥、、盐水鸭等。 四、山东菜系,简称鲁菜。 特色:选料精细、刀法细腻,注重实惠,花色多样,善用葱姜。 代表菜品:九转大肠,糖醋鱼、锅烧肘子、葱爆羊肉、葱扒海参、锅塌豆腐、红烧海螺、炸蛎黄等。
最无厘头的翻译 :童子鸡--还没有性生活的鸡(Chicken Without Sexual Life ) 最让人恶心的翻译:口水鸡--流口水的鸡(Slobbering Chicken) 最没事找事的翻译:回锅肉--烹了两次的猪肉(Twice—cooked Pork)
最让人抓狂的流行翻译:麻婆豆腐--“满脸雀斑的女人制作的豆腐”四喜丸子-“四个高兴的肉团”、 铁板牛肉--“有皱纹的铁牛肉”生鱼块--“砍那陌生的鱼”、 宫保鸡--“政府虐待鸡”
PS:希望这样的翻译不要从我们的嘴里说出哦!在向别人介绍的时候其实可以直接说中文的谐音就好,比如Ma Po Tofu,老外知道是麻婆豆腐的哦!我想与其用很长的句子来说明一个菜名,还不如四个音节让人更容易记忆。老外嘛,也可以同时学学我们言简意赅的汉语。纯属个人意见哈 ^ ^
Wine: white wines/rose wines/red wines; sparkling wine--Champagne
COFFEE: Espresso浓缩咖啡/ Latte拿铁/mocha摩卡/Cappuccino卡布奇诺/Frappuccino星冰乐
Quant数量+for here/to go在店里喝还是带走+hot/ice热/冷饮+decaf/caf含不含咖啡因+shots计量+cup size (mainly 4 sizes: short,tall,grande,venti)杯子的大小+syrup(non-fat)味道+milk(2%,soy milk,skim milk)牛奶+custom个人要求+drink name咖啡名字。
Manu:soup/starter/salad/main course/dessert
Main course : beef steak/fillet(鱼片)/pork/lamb/seafood Side dishes: French fries/onion rings/mashed potato(土豆泥)/pasta
Dessert:muffins(松饼)/custard(牛奶沙司)/pudding/icecream/doughnut甜甜圈 /jelly果冻 CHOCOLATE一周七天,“浪漫romance 青春youth健康health力量energy关心care博爱love愉悦joy”我们每天都有喜爱吃巧克力的理由!
世界知名巧克力品牌:Debauve & Gallais 黛堡嘉莱/m&m’s/Hershey’s好时/Mousa慕纱/Lindt & Sprungli瑞士莲/Ferrrero Rocher费列罗/Leconte金帝(国产哟!)/Dove德芙/Cadbury吉百利/
教父至尊、海鲜至尊、超级至尊、夏威夷风光、芝加哥风情、美式精选。 口语练习:
预定Making a reservation: We would like to make a reservation for 5 people this Sunday night at 7. / Could we have a table next to the window? / We would like a separate room. / Do you have a dress code? Step into a restaurant: Could we have a table for 5? / I am Jessica, and I booked a table for this evening.
称赞食品Yummy! / This tastes good. / This is very delicious. / This dish smells good. / the fruit is juicy/succulent(多汁美味) / the bread is fresh / the meat is tender.
结账买单Check, please / Please , give me the bill. / Let me pay my share. / Let’s go Dutch. / Separate checks, please
Ⅲ Movie Time –查理和巧克力工厂
Charlie Bucket comes from a poor family, and spends most of his time dreaming about the chocolate that he loves but usually can't afford. Things change when Willy Wonka, head of the very popular Wonka Chocolate empire, announces a contest in which five gold tickets have been hidden in chocolate bars and sent throughout the country. The kids who find the tickets will be taken on a tour of Wonka's chocolate factory and get a special glimpse of the wonders within. Charlie miraculously finds a ticket, along with four other children much naughtier than him. The tour of the
factory will hold more than a few surprises for this bunch.