新概念英语NCE1 L61课件

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#第一文档网# 导语】以下是®第一文档网的小编为您整理的《新概念英语NCE1 L61课件》,欢迎阅读!
NCE1 L61 class handout- Listening worksheet

the doctor's telephone number show me your tongue stay in bed for a week feels ill call the doctor show me your tongue good new for in bed

MR. WILLIAMS: Where's Jimmy? MRS. WILLIAMS: He's__________ .

MR. WILLIAMS: What's the matter with him? MRS. WILLIAMS: He_________ . MR. WILLIAMS: He looks ill.

MRS. WILLIAMS: We must ___________. MR. WILLIAMS: Yes, we must.

MR. WILLIAMS: Can you remember_____________ ? MRS. WILLIAMS: Yes. It's _____________.

DOCTOR: Open your mouth, Jimmy. ___________. Say, "Ah'. MR. WILLIAMS: What's the matter with him, doctor?

DOCTOR: He ___________, Mr. Williams, so he must______________. MRS. WILLIAMS: That's ___________ for Jimmy. DOCTOR: Good news? Why?

MR. WILLIAMS: Because he doesn't like school!

key phrases

be in bed ______________

whats the matter with... ______________ feel ill ______________ call the doctor _______________ the telephone number _____________ show me your tongue _______________ have a bad cold __________________ stay in bed for a week _______________ good news for sb. ________________

