【#第一文档网# 导语】以下是®第一文档网的小编为您整理的《儿童乐园使用须知》,欢迎阅读!

Kids Club Use Rules儿童乐园使用须知
儿童乐园开放时间:10:00AM-18:00PM Kids Club open time: 10:00AM-18:00PM
1. 儿童乐园仅供本酒店住客开放;
The children's park is only for the hotel guests;
2. 进入儿童乐园请脱鞋,请勿在游乐区域吃零食、喝饮料;
Please take off your shoes before you enter the children's park, please don't eat snacks and drinks in the amusement areas;
3. 游乐设施只提供身高120cm以下适龄儿童在监护人陪同下,才能使用场地设施并对其行为负责;
The amusement facilities provide only accompanied by the guardians of school-age children under 120 cm in height, can use the facilities and shall be responsible for their behavior;
4. 自觉维护场地清洁卫生,禁止在场地内大小便、随地吐痰、乱扔垃圾;如遇儿童呕吐或突发事件,
Maintain the site clean sanitation, banned in the field to relieve, spitting, littering; In case of children vomiting or emergency, please contact the staff;
5. 请正确使用设施设备,严禁在游乐设施上乱涂、乱画、乱刻、乱拆,人为损坏将导致赔偿;
Please correct use of facilities, it is strictly prohibited to scribble on the amusement facilities, disorderly painting, carving, disorderly, artificial damage will result in compensation; 6. 儿童在海洋球池内玩时,请勿使用海洋球互相抛打或把球带出球池。
When the children playing in the ocean ball pool, do not use ocean ball toss each other play or the ball out of the pool.
7. 请勿在儿童乐园内追逐、打闹,避免不安全事故的发生。
Please do not play on children's paradise chased, and avoid safety accident.
8. 儿童游玩时互相谦让,注意安全,不要拥挤,应有成人在滑道、平台边处接应。特别注意游玩时
Children play self-effacing each other, pay attention to safety, don't crowded, should have adult onto the ramp, platform edge. Pay special attention to play down or the risk of collision. 9. 客人需明确儿童乐园收费标准并支付相关费用;
Guests should be clear Health Club fees and pay the relevant expenses.
10. 请遵守儿童乐园的相关规定并服从工作人员的管理,离开时检查自身物品,以免丢失;
Please comply with the children's playground and obey the management of the staff, the relevant provisions of the inspection when they leave their own items, lest lost;
11. 本酒店对因使用设施不当而引发的受伤事故或未妥善保管私人财物丢失与损坏等,将由客人自行
The hotel due to improper use of facilities and causes of injuries or not properly kept private property loss and damage, etc., will be the sole responsibility of the guests. 12. 以上条款的最终解释权归上海世茂佘山艾美酒店所有;
The above terms of the final right of explanation belong to Le Meridien Sheshan Shanghai