小学英语人教版(PEP)三年级起点三年级三年级上册(2011)_绘本 饥饿的毛毛虫 公开课

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#第一文档网# 导语】以下是®第一文档网的小编为您整理的《小学英语人教版(PEP)三年级起点三年级三年级上册(2011)_绘本 饥饿的毛毛虫 公开课》,欢迎阅读!
The very hungry caterpillar

教学内容:绘本 The very hungry caterpillar 教学目标:

1. 学生读懂绘本内容,理解故事情节。

2. 学生阅读绘本后用自己的语言简短概括故事内容,初步复述故事内容。 3. 学生在阅读绘本的过程中享受绘本阅读,乐于阅读绘本内容,为今后进一步的绘本阅读打好基础。 教学简案: Pre-reading

1. Warming-up activity

2. Talk about the insect the students like. T: What insect do you like? Why?

T: What books about insects do you know?

3. Tell the students that today they’re going to read a book about a caterpillar.

4. Talk about the cover of the book.

T: Do you like this caterpillar? Why or why not? T: Can you guess the name of the book from the cover?

5. Show the students the name of the book: The very hungry caterpillar T: Do you have any questions about this very hungry caterpillar? (The teacher writes down the questions on the blackboard.)

6. Listen to the story Just listen to the beginning and the end of the story

T: Some pages in this book are missing. Can you guess the missing part of

the story?

(此部分重点培养学生有根据地进行读前推测与想象,为下一步学生阅读故事做好铺垫。 While-reading

1. Read the pictures and find out the food the caterpillar eats. T: Now you know what he eats, can you say them in English?

(第一次阅读通过零散的故事图片得知毛毛虫吃了些什么,学会其英语表达。 2. Ask the students to read the pictures again and make their own picture books.

T: Now could you read the pictures again and pay attention to the words which can show you the sequence, make your picture books according to them.

(第二次阅读通过文字中时间标志性的词语为图片排序,制作出自己的绘本。 3. Read the story with the teacher together.

(第三次阅读试着与教师一起读故事,验证自己的绘本是否符合原著。 4. Answer the questions on the blackboard.

T: So now you know the whole story, have you got the answers to the questions?

5. Read the picture book again, try to tell the story. (第四次阅读为说故事以及概括故事做好准备。

6. Talk about some of the pictures in the picture book according to the story line. Post-reading

1. Share the picture book with others.

T: Try to make a recommendation card for your picture book.

