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佚 名
【期刊名称】《世界建筑》 【年(卷),期】2017(000)003 【总页数】1页(P82) 【正文语种】中 文
The kindergarten is a sterically grown settlement with classroom units in piled honeycomb shape. Setback and W-shaped plan help all classes to earn maximum sunlight. The collective activity in the classroom encircles the round column in the center of the classroom, while a team or individuals can use the protruding window spaces along the exterior wall to read or to take care of small plants. Every two classrooms have a shared courtyard space with direct indoor-outdoor connections. The corridors along the edges of hexagons connect different interior and exterior spaces
in various scales. This ofers every coming or outing of the kids more experiences of touching "nature" and "society". We believe that all these experiences of exploration, perceiving and communication would constitutes part of their precious childhood memories in an unconscious way. □
项目信息/Credits and Data
业主/Client: 安亭国际汽车城/Anting International Automobile City
地点/Location: 上海市嘉定区安亭镇/Anting Town, Jiading District, Shanghai 结构与机电设计/Structural and MEP Design: 江南建筑设计院/Jiangnan Architectural Design Institution
建筑结构/Structure: 钢筋混凝土框架结构、部分走廊为钢结构/RC Frame, partial corridors in steel frame
材料/Exterior Materials: 白色氟碳涂料、透明及丝网印刷玻璃、铝型材、塑木/White paint, Transparent and translucent insulated glass, Aluminum panels, Plastic wooden foor 建设用地/Site Area: 7400m2 建筑面积/Floor Area: 6600m2 设计时间/Design Period: 2012 建成时间/Completion Time: 2015