【#第一文档网# 导语】以下是®第一文档网的小编为您整理的《旅游英语作文-游庐山》,欢迎阅读!

Lushan waterfall true net! The pure color, the clear water, the crystal waves, the presence of gaping everyone; Lushan waterfall is really loud, loud sound, even if you cover your ears, also can feel very loud, like a drum eagerly beating in your ear again; Lushan waterfall really show! It was like a fairy with god cloth woven white satin, soft, beautiful and soft. I can”t help but imagine yourself stretched out his hand to touch the smooth of the cloth, is really dreaming! (I can”t help but want to stretch hand to touch the smooth cloth, but it slipped from my fingers, just put me out of the fantasy).
Famous lushan is not only a waterfall, and the uncertainty is cloud. A cloud of lushan mountain is really beautiful! It blocked by the lushan mountain, faintly revealed a small Angle. Lushan cloud”s various! The mist over the mountains, like to wear white at the top of the mountain a nodding; The winding in the mid-levels mist, and is in the middle of a belt. Lushan cloud is changing! Just is a lovely little fish, the twinkling of an eye becomes a mighty lion! Magic is not magic, you say?
Air cloud, mountain waterfalls, peak to peak of loose rocks, roadside green trees safflower, each scene harmoniously together. Place oneself in the beautiful fairy tale, can not help but reminiscent of the poetry verses: take the hit new Lin An, cloud waterfall springs open.
早就听说“匡庐奇秀甲天下”。今年长假,我们一行人来到庐山游玩。 庐山的瀑布真净啊!那纯净的颜色,那透亮的水流,那晶莹的浪花,把在场的每一个人都看得目瞪口呆;庐山的瀑布真响啊,那震耳欲聋的声音,就算你捂住耳朵,也会觉得特别响,就像有一只鼓在你的耳边起劲地敲打来着;庐山的瀑布真秀啊!它仿佛是仙女用神布织的白色绸缎,轻软、漂亮又严厉。我不禁梦想着自己伸手去触摸到了这块光滑的布,真是如梦如幻啊!(我不禁想伸手摸一摸这块光滑的布,但它又从我指尖溜走了,这才把我从梦想里拉出来)。
庐山出名的不仅仅是瀑布,还有那变幻无常的云雾。庐山的云雾真是秀丽!它把庐山遮拦住,朦模糊胧地露出一个小角。庐山的云雾真是千姿百态!那些覆盖在山头的云雾,像是戴在山顶的白色绒帽;那些缠绕在半山的云雾,又像是系在山腰间的一条条腰带。庐山的云雾真是瞬息万变!刚刚还是得意的小鱼儿呢,一刺眼就变成了威猛的狮子!你说奇妙不奇妙? 空中的云雾、山上的瀑布、峰间的奇松怪石、路旁的绿树红花,各个景物和谐地融合在一起。置身在这美仑美奂的人间仙境之中,不禁让人联