更衣室管理规定Administration rule of Locker Room 中英文

2022-11-19 01:09:19   第一文档网     [ 字体: ] [ 阅读: ] [ 文档下载 ]

#第一文档网# 导语】以下是®第一文档网的小编为您整理的《更衣室管理规定Administration rule of Locker Room 中英文》,欢迎阅读!

Administration rule of Locker Room

1. 人事行政部门根据批准的需求分配更衣柜。

HR&Admin department will assign locker in according to the approved request; 2. 更衣柜/鞋柜每人一格,一锁,标注使用人姓名,由使用人负责保管;

Each assigned locker has its user, and the user name is pasted in the locker and the key is managed by its user; 3. 使用人的个人衣物、鞋子等所有物品需放入分配的更衣柜/鞋柜内,不得摆放在外;

User’s personal clothing, shoes, and other stuffs should be completely put into the wardrobe/shoe cabinet; 4. 只能使用自己更衣柜/鞋柜,不得占用他人或者空余的更衣柜/鞋柜;

You can only use your own wardrobe/shoe cabinet; you are not allowed to use others wardrobe/shoe cabinet; 5. 更衣柜内请勿摆放贵重物品及大额钱款和有价证券,遗失责任自负;

Don not put valuables and a large sum of money and securities in the lockers. You take responsibility for loss. 6. 使用人不得在更衣室休息; Don not relaxes in the locker room; 7. 使用人不得在更衣室抽烟; Don not smokes in the locker room; 8使用人不得在更衣室大声喧哗; Don not makes any noise in the locker room; 9. 请自觉爱护更衣室内的各项设施; Please fair use the locker room facilities;

10. 请自觉保持更衣室内清洁卫生;不允许在室内乱写乱画、张贴等;不允许在更衣室随意吐痰;不允许在更衣室随意乱丢纸屑杂物及食品等;

Please keep the cleanness of the locker room with No scribble and post, No spit casually, No litter etc. 11. 更衣柜使用后应随时上锁并取走和妥善保管衣箱钥匙;

Please keep the wardrobe/shoe cabinet locked at any time after using and well keep the key; 12.使用人离职时,须将更衣柜的钥匙交于人事行政部并签字确认归还,如有损坏将进行赔偿; The keys should be returned to HR& Admin upon partners separation. Any damage should be compensated; 13.更衣室内的电器(如空调、取暖器等),使用后请及时关闭;

Please timely close the appliances (such as air conditioner, heater etc) in the locker room. 14.每日的替换下的待洗服请及时投进脏衣柜内,请勿随意丢放在更衣室内; Please put your uniform to wash into the soil bin timely and not leave it in the locker room; 15.最后离开更衣室的人,请随手关灯。

Please turn the lights off when left the locker room; 16.您的衣柜钥匙丢失,可填写联系单与负责维修人联系。

Please timely fill in the maintenance request form and contact responsible person If you lost your locker keys; 17. 如您的更衣柜/鞋柜损坏,请您及时填写联系单与负责维修人联系,以便及时修理。

Please timely fill in the maintenance request form and contact the responsible person when the wardrobe/shoe cabinet is broken for timely repairing.

18. 如更衣柜/鞋柜的损坏属于自然损坏,修理费用由公司承担,如更衣柜/鞋柜的损坏是使用人人为损坏,则由使用人承担相应修理费用;

If the damage of cabinets is natural damage, the related repair cost will be sponsored by the company. If the damage is caused by the user, the repair costs should be undertaken by the user.


A good locker room environment needs everybody’s efforts!

