
2022-08-26 14:34:31   第一文档网     [ 字体: ] [ 阅读: ] [ 文档下载 ]

#第一文档网# 导语】以下是®第一文档网的小编为您整理的《英语儿歌教案》,欢迎阅读!

I can

1“I can



1 2 3


“Whois itItsme THelloBoys and Girls

CHelloMiss Xue TI love you CI love you too!

TTodaySome animals will comeButWho are theyHear —— TDing-DongDing-Dong CWho is itWho is it

TIts meItsme ——FlyflyflyI canfly THelloBoys and girls CHelloBird

TNice to meet you CNice to meet you too

TYesIm a birdI can fly!(边说边做飞状) TNowBoys and girlsLet’s like a birdOk COK

TOhStand up pleaseLet’s line up and follow meWhen you

F ly should fFlyflyfylI can flyLouderly! ——FlyflyflyI can fyl TPlease fly to your seat

TLookWho is coming——

2 TOhBoys and girlsLet’s have a look

Here are there animalsThey areFishRabbit and bird TYesyou are very clever(手指小鸟)It is a birdJust nowThe bird says I canFly

TYesNowPlease fllow me read FlyflyfylI can fly。(集体念三遍) ——

SwimswimswimI can swim”“HophophopI can hop Twho want tobe bird ——

TListten carefuylIf I say “birdbirdYou may do like this 九月开学季,老师你们准备好了吗? T:Are you clear CYes T(

)Show your fingers and fllow me



TNowBoys and girlsThere are some pictures under your chairsnextyou can take it out and mey do like this TOKplease look at me and listen carefuylNow

you should look carefully who are you You are ?等待

TOKIf I show this pictureThe bird should mey do like this ——


TOHLookThe day is darkThis animals will go homeThey are going to sleepLookthis is bird’s home

(依次介 The brids go homeFlyflyflyI can fly

TPlease stopWhen you flyyou should saysFlyflyflyI can fly

T()Morning bells are ringingIts time to get up

The brid get up —— 5

TTodayall the boys and girls did a good jobImvery glad

So I will each eveyrone a red flowerTOhIm very hungryAre you hungry Cyes

TLet’s go to the SupermarketOK CYes

TOk,tand up please Let’s say Bye-bye to teachers CBye-bye teachers

TFollow meFlyflyflyI can fly”“SwimswimswmiIcanswim”“HophophopI can hop”

