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#第一文档网# 导语】以下是®第一文档网的小编为您整理的《英文电子邮件规范》,欢迎阅读!


For such a common mode of workplace communication, intra-office e-mails tend to be terribly written. What easier way to stand out from the crowd than to consistently send sharp, welcome electronic messages? Just do the following.

工作沟通中,公司内部的电子邮件往往写的很糟糕。除了连续发送犀利、友好的电子邮件,还有什么办法能让自己的邮件脱颖而出呢?试试下面这几条小建议吧。 1.Hone your subject line. 起个好标题。

The key is to be specific, not necessarily short. Instead of giving your e-mail the name "Byrne project," call it "Byrne project: new deadline for phase 2." Your e-mail is already more interesting than most.

关键是要具体,不一定要短。比如,将标题“Byrne项目改为“Byrne项目:第二阶段的最新截止日期。这样的你的邮件就会变得很吸引人。 2. Don't bury the lead. 不要长篇大论。

If you want to annoy people, make them read three paragraphs before you get to the point. If you want to rise in the company, state your purpose in the first sentence or two and then get to the why and how of it.

如果你惹人厌,那就让他们在进入正题之前先读上三大段。如果你想在公司中往上爬,那就在第一或第二句话中阐明你的目的,然后陈述为什么以及怎么做。 3. End with an action request. 以问句结束。

Example: "I will call you on Monday at 10 a.m. to follow up on this." Or: "When can we get this done?" Otherwise, nothing is likely to happen.

例如:我将在周一早上十点给你打电话跟进这件事。或:我们什么时间可以把这件事搞定?否则,什么都不会发生。 4. Be human. 要有人味儿。

Decent people who would never dream of being cold and abrupt in person often come off that way in their e-mails. Being businesslike doesn't have to mean being impersonal. Remember that the sender and receiver are both human beings.


5. Proof your e-mail. 检查你的邮件。

It's worth repeating. Just one misspelling, grammatical error, or typo makes you look foolish. It also makes you look disrespectful to the recipient. Sending clean e-mails automatically lifts you above the sloppy crowd.


6. Behave yourself. 注意个人言辞。

Irony doesn't work in e-mails. Neither do sensitive subjects, such as sex, race, religion, and politics. Stay away from them, because every message you send is being judged. 讽刺的话不要出现在邮件里。敏感话题,如性、种族、宗教政治等也不要出现。远离这些,因为你发出的每封邮件都会被评判。

7. Stop cc-ing everybody. 不要抄送给每个人。 All you're doing is making all involved feel less important. 这样做会让所有人都感觉不重要。 8. Pick up the phone. 打电话。

If you have to spend more than five minutes on an e-mail message, call instead. 如果你需要花费五分钟以上的时间来写邮件,还是打电话吧。 小知识点: Bury the lead

Bury the lead: news writing style - To begin a story with details of secondary importance to the reader while postponing more essential points or facts. Bury the lead是一种新闻写作风格 —— 在叙述一个故事之前先给读者详细介绍不太重要信息,迟迟不说重点或重要的事情。

