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#第一文档网# 导语】以下是®第一文档网的小编为您整理的《音标教程》,欢迎阅读!



/i:/ please 【衣 发长点】

Please have a seat. See you tomorrow. Seeing is believing. I don’t believe what I hear. I only believe what I see.眼见为实。我不相信我听到的,我只相信我看到的。 /I/ little 【衣 急促地发声】

Its very good. It’s a little too big.有点太大了。It’s not difficult; it’s very easy.

/e/ //never 【哎 发这个音的时候不要把ī给读出来,嘴唇放松自然地读】 Better late than never. East or west, home is best. We have a test next Wednesday. // family 【哎 发这个音的时候不要把ī给读出来,嘴唇扁平地发】

I have a happy family. I have to call you back. I can’t stand your bad habits. 我再也不能忍受你的坏习惯了。

/ə:/ work 【额 发长音】

I have to work early tomorrow. This is my first trip to China. We have thirty minutes to kill. 我们有三十分钟的空闲时间。 // better 【额 发短音】

Better luck next time. Never give up. China and America should always work together. 中美应该永远合作。

/a:/ car 【啊 嘴巴长到最大】

I really want to buy a car. I just work very hard. What are you talking about? // much 【阿 嘴巴微微地张开发出这个音就可以了】

A: What’s up? B: Nothing much. I love my job. Let’s have fun tonight. // sport 【哦 声音拖长】

I’d like to talk to you. I’m good at many sports. I wasn’t born yesterday. // // impossible 【哦 急促】

He is a lucky dog. It’s very hot here in summer. Nothing is impossible. /u:/ cool 【乌 声音拖长】

That’s cool. I really like your school. I want to improve my poor English. /u/ good 【乌 急促】

We should study hard. My mother is a good cook. She is a good-looking woman. // great 【有点像答应人的的声音】

Today is a great day. I made a terrible mistake. Don’t be afraid of losing face. Don’t be afraid of making mistakes. Don’t be afraid of practicing your English. // try 【超级大嘴饱满阿姨合口双元音,也像爱情的 I think you are right. Don’t be shy, just try. I like sky. Let bygones be bygones.让过去的事情过去吧。

// enjoy 【中嘴短衣合口双元音,类似中文的哦衣,但是发音一定要饱满】 Don’t make too much noise. I enjoy speaking English. You are a bad boy.

/əu/ home 【疯狂舀水合口双元音,口形由扁到圆,由大到小,越夸张越好】

I want to go home. I don’t know what to do. Go and open the window, please. Don’t go home alone. I will go with you.

/au/ about 【鬼哭狼嚎合口双元音,嘴巴要特别夸张】


How about a cup of coffee? What do you think about our city? 你觉得我们的城市怎么样? How about eating out tonight?

// // here 【衣-饿,连着读,短衣集中卷舌音】

Do you live near here? I can’t hear you clearly. She fears for her son’s safety. // // where 【哎-饿,连着读,咧嘴集中卷舌音】

Where are you from? Take care of yourself. The post office is over there. /uə/ sure 【乌-饿,连着读,短乌集中卷舌音,口形由小到大】

A: Are you sure? B: Yes, I’m sure.It’s a piece of cake. He is from a poor family.


/p/ problem 【气破双唇爆破音,气流越强越好,发音时声带不振动】

Can you help me? There is no problem. Never feel hopeless and helpless. Be positive.永远不要感觉无望和无助,要积极一点。

/b/ become 【不 不要把ù给发出来,浊音。气破双唇音】

I want to become the best. I’ll be back in a minute. Don’t beat around the bush. /t/ time 【特 不要把è给发出来,轻音。舌尖齿龈弹气音】 It’s time to get up. Can you tell me the time? This tea tastes terrific.这茶很好喝。

/d/ cold 【得 不要把é给发出来,浊音。舌尖齿龈弹气音】

I can’t do it by myself. I don’t like cold noodles. What do you do for relaxation? /k/ careful 【克 不要把è给发出来,轻音。气破舌根软腭音】

Thank you for coming. Be more careful next time. Keep up the good work! Keep on trying your best.继续好好干,再接再厉,继续全力以赴。

/g/ big 【哥 不要把è给发出来,浊音。气破舌根软腭音】

Let’s give him a big hand. Give me some eggs, please. Don’t get me wrong. /f/ feel 【福 不要把ú给发出来,轻音。唇齿相依摩擦音】 Let’s pay the bill fifty-fifty. 让我们各付一半。I feel fine. Thank you for asking. We are best friends.

/v/ love 【有点像摩托车启动的声音,但是像发“vúvúvú”一样,不要把ú给发出来,浊音。唇齿相依摩擦音】

I will love you forever. I will never leave you. I envy you. 我羡慕你。

/s/ spring 【丝 像蚕吐丝发出的那种声音,不要把给读出来,轻音。气通舌尖齿龈音】

She is the nicest person I know. Just relax. Sit down for a minute. My favorite seasons are spring and summer.

/z/ busy 【就是/s/的浊音,气通舌尖齿龈音】

Don’t be lazy. I’m very busy these days. It doesn’t make any difference. /θ/ three 【牙齿咬住舌头的轻音,唯一咬舌音】

Thank you for thinking of my birthday. I will think it over. Three thousand three hundred and thirty three. I’ll be back next month. Both of you are great.

/ brother 【牙齿咬住舌头的浊音,唯一咬舌音】

Do you have any brothers or sisters? Sorry to bother you. My father and mother don’t like this weather.


/∫/ wish 【用气说湿,气流越强越地道。舌端齿龈气擦音】

I wish I could have a car. She can speak good English. Please show me the menu. // usually【把日本的发得短促有力。舌端齿龈气擦音】 I usually go to bed at ten. It’s my pleasure to help you. /h/ have 【喝 不要发出来,轻音。大口喘气音】 I hope you have a happy birthday. 祝你生日快乐。

How can I help you? I have a hard time learning English.我学英语学的很辛苦。 /r/ hurry 【若 不要发出来,浊音。四指卷舌音,美国发音最具特色音】 He is a friendly person. Sorry, I’m in a hurry. It’s raining cats and dogs. /t∫/ China 【气 不要发出来,轻音。气冲舌尖齿龈音】 Thank you very much. Keep in touch. Which do you like best? I agree with you very much. China is still a developing country.

// job 【知 用气发出来,收小腹,浊音。气冲舌尖齿龈音】 You did a very good job. Junk food is bad for your health. I love challenges.我热爱挑战。Just try your best to do it. /tr/ trust 【缺 用气出来,轻音,声带不振动】

Just give it a try. We need to trust each other. I don’t want to trouble you. /dr/ drink 【撅 不要发出来,浊音。双唇稍稍突出】

My mouth is dry. That’s a beautiful dress. Would you like something to drink? /ts/ lots 【次 不要发出来,轻音】

What’s wrong with you? Lots of people have cats, birds and dogs as pets. /dz/ friends 【自 不要发出来,浊音】

We are good friends. I have hundreds of things to finish tomorrow.

/m/ minute 【嘴巴闭住,然后发音,气流从鼻子出来,浊音。双唇闭嘴鼻音】 Please make me something to eat. Wait a minute. I’m coming. We must make progress every day. You must practice English by yourself.

/n/ mine 【嘴巴微张,舌尖顶住上齿龈,气流从鼻子出来而不是从嘴巴出来,浊音。舌尖齿龈开口鼻音。

She is a friend of mine. I want to be number one. She is a very nice woman. Men and women often have different opinions.

/ English 【嘴巴张大,舌头向下弯曲,气流从鼻子出来而不是从嘴巴出来,浊音。舌后软腭撒娇鼻音,疯狂撒娇音】

I think you are wrong. I enjoy learning and teaching English. Speaking English is my hobby.

/l/ lot \well 【有两个读音。一是放在音标结尾;二是放在音标中发。舌尖齿龈清晰(结尾含糊)旁流音】

Children need a lot of love. You are the love of my life. I hope you will get well soon.

/w/ welcome 【我 发的短促有力,浊音。圆唇突出短我音】 What’s the weather like today? Welcome to China. I had a wonderful time last night.

/j/ your 【爷 不要发出来,浊音。双唇扁平短爷音】

Excuse me; can I use your phone? You’re lucky. Have you eaten your lunch yet? I usually yell(大喊) English every day.


