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#第一文档网# 导语】以下是®第一文档网的小编为您整理的《关于劳动的英语名言》,欢迎阅读!


是劳动创造了人类的文明,劳动使人类的双手更灵活,头脑更发达。人类社会的物质文明和精神文明的成果,无一不是劳动的结晶。劳动创造了世界,劳动推动了社会进步。下面是关于劳动的英语名言的内容,欢迎阅读! 关于劳动的英语名言 1、劳动能唤起人的创造力。

Labor can arouse people's creativity. 2、不付出劳动就不会有收获。 Do not pay labor will not reap. 3、只要靠劳动,大地最慷慨。

As long as the labor, the earth's most generous. 4、只有人的劳动才是神圣的。 Only man's labor is holy. 5、劳动是惟一导向知识的道路。

Labor is the only road oriented knowledge. 6、不劳动者无法从中获得裨益。 No workers cannot get benefits. 7、土地是财富之母,劳动是其父。

Land is the mother of wealth and labor is the father. 8、珍视劳动,珍视人才,人才难得呀! Value work, cherish talents, talents is rare! 9、对劳动的爱是在社会上的人的美德。 Love of labor is man's virtue in society. 10、平民靠劳动糊口,贵人以地位为命。 Civilians by labor, noble status for life. 11、劳动是财富之父,土地是财富之母。

Labor is the father of wealth, land is the mother of wealth. 12、劳动的成果是所有果实中最甜美的。 The results of labor is the sweetest fruit of all. 13、劳动使人心情开朗,劳动就是美德。 Makes a person cheerful, labor is virtue. 14建筑学是世界各民族共同劳动的成果。

Architecture is the result of common labor in the world. 15、使人愉快的劳动,能医治心灵的创伤。

The enjoyable work, can heal the trauma of the mind. 16、不用劳力而获得的东西,只有“贫困”。 Don't have to labor for, it is only "poverty". 17、劳动使人建立对自己的`理智力量的信心。

Labor makes people to establish confidence in his intellectual power.


You have to sweat on his forehead to obtain your bread. 19、劳动是长命百岁的艺术的必要条件之一。

Labor is one of the necessary conditions for the art of long life. 20、劳动是生命的法则,也是它最美的果实。

Labor is the law of life, also it is the most beautiful fruit. 21、全人类的第一个生产力就是工人,劳动者。

All mankind is the first productivity of workers, laborers. 22、培育出一种小花要经过几十年的辛勤劳动。 Developed a flower to after decades of hard work. 23、人在自己的劳动中创造自己并理解劳动的美。

People in creating their own labor and understand the beauty of labor. 24、劳动和人,人和劳动,这是所有真理的父母亲。

Labor and people, people and labor, it is the parents all truth. 25、幸福存在于生活之中,而生活存在于劳动之中。 Happiness exists in life, but life exists in labor. 26、医治一切病痛最好的最宝贵的药品,就是劳动。

Treat all the best and most valuable drugs, pain is to labor. 27、幸福只会给予不怕劳动的人,多年忘我劳动的人。

Happiness will only give people who are not afraid of labor, labor of the people. 28、劳动不是痛苦之源,不正确的劳动才会带来痛苦。 Labor is not the source of pain, incorrect labor pain. 29、用劳动来创造美的时候,美才能使人的情操更为高尚。

Use labor to create beauty, beauty can make the person's sentiment is more noble. 30、体力劳动有益于身体健康,脑力劳动有益于心智健全。

Physical labor is good for your health, mental work is good for your sanity. 31、没有创造的劳动是沉闷的,没有自由的劳动是痛苦的。 Did not create the work is boring, no free labor is painful. 32、劳动最光荣。劳动是一种幸福,只有劳动才能创造一切。

Labor the most glorious. Labor is a kind of happiness, only the labor to create everything. 33、完善的新人应该是在劳动之中和为了劳动而培养起来的。

Perfect bride and groom should be in the labor and fostered for labor. 34、身为一个劳动者,就应该像牛一样劳动,像土地一样奉献。 As a laborer, it should work like cattle, like land, dedication. 35、知识是从刻苦劳动中得来的,任何成就都是刻苦劳动的结果。

Knowledge derived from hard labor, any achievement is the result of hard work. 36、劳动的手能够把石头变成金子,不劳动的手能够把金子变成石头。

Labor hands could turn stone into gold, not labor hand can put the gold into stone. 37、在人的生活中最主要的是劳动训练。没有劳动就不可能有正常人的生活。

In one's life is the most important of labor training. No work is impossible to have a normal life.


