
2022-09-07 02:31:28   第一文档网     [ 字体: ] [ 阅读: ] [ 文档下载 ]

#第一文档网# 导语】以下是®第一文档网的小编为您整理的《英语六人短剧《灰姑娘》.》,欢迎阅读!

【旁白】The wife of a rich man fell sick, and when she felt that her end drew nigh, she called her only daughter to her bedside, and said, 'Always be a good girl, and I will look down from heaven and watch over you.' Soon afterwards she shut her eyes and died, and was buried in the garden. But by the time the spring came, her father had married another wife. This new wife had one daughter of her own, that she brought home with her.Whats worse , the kind and lovely girl who lost her mother also lost her father.After her fathers death,her stepmother became cruel to her.Her step-sister teased her ,asking her to do all the housework..

Do the laundry and get on with your duties.Clean the floors right away.And whats more,bring me my breakfast.

Cinderella!Get me my sweater,I feel a little cold.

【旁白】One day , the king held a party for the prince to choose the girl he loved.Every maid in the town was invited to the party.Cinderella's sister was asked to come.

【旁白】The stepmother took her daughter to the party ,leaving Cinderella at home,because she was jealous of Cinderellas beauty.

【场景一:巫师的出现】 She was broken-hearted.

[窗前]Mom ,Dad I miss you.I ……[抽泣声]I want to go to the ball. [背景音乐响起:I were a bird》八音盒版] [接《I》唱,唱到一半 抽泣,趴在窗台上哭] Who can help me ?

But at that time , a lightning swept across the right sky .[雷声] [桌子晃动,接玻璃碎的声音]

[站起,震惊]WhatWhat happed? [“嘭”!巫师出现]

[震惊]Who,who are you ? A witch.

[后退,碰到后面的障碍物]There is nothing left to believe in. Nothing! Nothing,My dear?Oh,now you dont really mean that. Oh,but I do.

Nonsense,dear!If youd lost all your faith,I couldnt be here.And here I am ! Oh,come now,dry those tears![拭泪]

You mean you can help me ?

Yes! I am the only person who can help you in the world.[半跪,。站起,抱。放。拿出一只鞋子。(暂定)下场]


[巫师牵着灰姑娘从门外进来] Have a good time,my dear.

Thank you,Mr. Witch.

But,please remember, you must come back before midnight,or everything will be as it was before..

Midnight?Oh,I know.but It has be more than I ever hoped for. [大门打开的声音,之后背音乐响起]

Hellow, prince ,I am Mrs.XX.Oh, You are such a promising young man .She is my daughter .

[行礼,微笑][王子回礼,撇开视线,背身。看到灰姑娘] Dont you ask me to dance?

[苦恼]enI am sorry,lovely lady,I think I cant[离开,走向灰姑娘] [王子走上前,鞠躬] “Pretty lady, may I be honored to dance with you? ” “I'd love to.”[微笑,握住王子的手,开始跳舞][背景音乐]

【旁白】At the party ,Cinderella danced with the prince all the time.Time passed quickly.Allof a sudden,Cinderlla caught sight of the clock on the wall.Oh,it is almost twelve oclock-five to twelve!

Oh,my goodness! Whats the matter?

Its midnight.Its almost midniht. Yes,so it is .But why?

.Good bye.[行礼,转身要走,被拉住] No ,no,wait you cant go now.

I must ,plaese ,I must.[掰开王子的手] But why?


No wait,come back.please come back!I dont even know your name.How will I find you?wait,please wait! Wait![追上] [捡起一只鞋]

Pretty lady! Why are you leaving? I must find you!! I will ask soldiers to take this shoe to every house and let all the young girls have a try tomorrow morning. I must find you!

【场景三 玻璃鞋】

【旁白】The next day,every maid in the town was ordered to try the shoe.Whover the shoes fitted well would be the brid of the prince. The stepmother knowed the news from the newspaper.

Cinderella? Cnderella?”[放下手中的报纸] “Here l am.”[拿着笤帚出现 “My daughters, where is she?” “l think she's still in bed.”

“on't ust stand there!Bring up the breakfast to her room t once. And hurry!”



“What?Get up. quick. This instant.We haven't a moment to lose.” “What for? Why?”

“The price.He's been hunting all night.” “ Hunting?”

“For the girl who had a dance with him. he's madly in love with her.” Oh,no,mom.I dont have the chance now.

“Now ,listen to me.There is still a chance that you can get him.No one, not even the prince, knows who that girl is.If you can fits the slipper,you will become prince's bride. [灰姑娘在门后听到了这些]

But,I know the girl is Cinderella! [打碎东西的声音]

[继母和女儿出来看到了灰姑娘,继母将灰姑娘推进房间,做出锁门的姿势] “Oh, no!No, please!Let me out!You must let me out!”[作捶门状][背景音乐] [巫师出现]

My dear.Your knight,Mr.witch is here. Mr witch!

Whats wrong with you?

Now the prince is look for a girl who can fit one glass slipper.If somebody can fit it,she will become the princes bride.The glass shoe was lost by me and I can fit it!But I was locked in the room!

I can help you.[ 做打开门的样子,在门外伸手让灰姑娘出来] Oh,thank you![灰姑娘跑掉了]

[望向跑掉的地方]You will become the princes bride.But,who will become my bride?You dont know I love you,Cinderelly.[悲惨的背景音乐]

【旁白】Cinderelly asked to try on the glass shoe and she was the only girl who can put on the shoe.Later,all the people in the country know Cinderelly will become the princes bride.

【旁白】Before Cinderelly and princes wedding,the beautiful girl went to her mothers grave to see her mother and would tell her she was going to be a bride. Suddenly,it raind[背景音乐] [巫师出现,为灰姑娘打伞] [灰姑娘回头,看到巫师]

When I need you,you are always giving me your hand. Of course.Because you are the princess in my heart. Princess?I dont know you……”

No proplem.I will leave the country tinight. Where you will go?

