
2022-08-30 14:39:25   第一文档网     [ 字体: ] [ 阅读: ] [ 文档下载 ]

#第一文档网# 导语】以下是®第一文档网的小编为您整理的《九年级英语49课课文翻译》,欢迎阅读!

One dollar and eighty-seven was all. 一元八角七。全都在这儿了。 Three times Della counted it. 德拉反复数了三次。

One dollar and eighty-seven cents. 还是一元八角七。

And the next day would be Christmas. 而第二天就是圣诞节了。

She could not afford a present, so she sat down and cried. 她买不起礼物,因此她坐在椅子上,哭起来。

Jim and Della had two possessi which they were both proud of. 吉姆和德拉各有一件特别引以自豪的东西。

One was Jim's gold watch that was from his father and his grandfather. 一件是吉姆的金表,是他祖父传给父亲,父亲又传给他的传家宝。 The other was Della's beautiful hair. It fell about her, and reached below her knee.


Della put on her old brown jacket and her old brown hat. 她穿上那件褐的旧外衣,戴上褐的旧帽子。

Then she went out of the door and down the stairs to the street. 便走出房门,下楼来到街上。 She stopped at a store. 她走到一家商店前停下来

The sign in front of the store read 招牌上写着“专卖各式头发” “你要买我的头发吗?”德拉问。 “二十美元,”女人说。

Then Della searched through the stores looking for a present for Jim. 她正在彻底搜寻各家店铺,为吉姆买礼物。 She found it at last.

她终于到了。 It was a watch chain. 那是一个表链。

The bill was twenty-one dollars.


At seven o'clock, the coffee was made and dinner was ready. 七点钟,她煮好了咖啡,晚饭也一切就绪。

Jim was never late. Della heard his steps on the stairs.

吉姆一贯准时回家。(接着,)她听见下面楼梯上响起了他的脚步声。 The door opened and Jim walked in. He stopped inside the door.

