【#第一文档网# 导语】以下是®第一文档网的小编为您整理的《幼儿园中班民间体育教案:《城门城门几丈高》》,欢迎阅读!
Note: the task of kindergarten is to remove the constraints of time, space and environment when families train children, so that children's body, intelligence and mood can develop healthily.It can be said that kindergarten is a happy world for children, which can help children spend their childhood healthily and happily. They can not only learn knowledge, but also contact the collective life from childhood.As the foundation of the whole education system, kindergarten education is the preparatory education for children (complete and healthy personality, good behavior habits, preliminary natural and social common sense).There is no obvious distinction in its educational curriculum, which is probably composed of five fields and various activities, such as language, science, art, health and society.The integration of various fields determines the teaching content.
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教学老师 (Teacher) 日期
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小编整理了关于幼儿园中班民间体育教案:《城门城门几丈高》,希望对幼儿学习有所帮助,仅供参考。 幼儿园中班民间体育:《城门城门几丈高》 一、活动目标:
1、练习钻的动作,发展动作的灵敏性与力量。 2、培养幼儿喜欢民间游戏的情趣。 二、活动准备:
苹果、香蕉的头饰若干、布置游戏场地(城门、城墙)中间画一个直径约5米的圆圈若干个、选择民乐作活动背景及准备操 三、活动过程: 1)开始部分:
3)教师请幼儿两人一组用手来搭一搭城门并边念民谣边学习游戏的开门关门规则。 4)基本部分:
6)教师提出游戏规则:当念到"瞧一瞧"时,做城门者下蹲放下手关城门,并问被关住的人选择要"苹果"还是"香蕉",幼儿选择好以后,把头饰挂在脖子上,站到城门的队伍做城门。 7)幼儿第2次做钻城门的游戏一次。
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