【#第一文档网# 导语】以下是®第一文档网的小编为您整理的《《中药天然产物大全》评介》,欢迎阅读!
【期刊名称】《中国中医药图书情报杂志》 【年(卷),期】2014(000)003
【摘 要】Comprehensive Natural Products in Chinese Materia Medica is a large reference book with nearly thirty million words divided into 12 volumes. The following aspects of the book are supreme: the content is extremely abundant and detailed; the compounds (nearly 30 000) recorded are plentiful; classification is clear;bioactivity is relatively exhaustive; and the innovation is outstanding. In this article, the authors discussed the nomenclature and translation principles for the compounds and put forward a word for word translation method based on word roots. The foreign name and Chinese name of a compound are normalized to official name, synonymy, and false name. The wrong name would be followed by the note"false name", in order to avoid others being wrongly informed. Supported by the Chinese Pharmaceutical Association, the authors expect that the Chinese Nomenclature and Translation Principles of Natural Compounds can be published as soon as possible in order to unify the names of compounds. Except for presenting foreign names for convenient application, the compounds published in foreign periodicals should be given the Chinese names simultaneously. The book is a large reference book, which comprehensively and systematically collects information for
researches on modern Chinese materia medica in the latest over 100 years. It is worth learning, recommending, and spreading widely in TCM field.%《中药天然产物大全》是一部大型工具书、桌头书。全书12卷,近3000万字,内容极其详实丰富,书中化合物之多(近3万个)和分类之细、生物活性之全、创新内容之突出都是首屈一指的。在本文中笔者探讨了化合物命名和翻译原则,提出了以词根对译法为主的翻译方法。化合物的外文名称和中文名称按规范化的程度分为正名、异名和误名,错误的名称后面注上“误名”二字,以免以讹传讹。希望在药学会领导组织下,尽快出版《中国天然化合物命名和翻译原则》,以便遵从统一;中国学者发表于外文刊的化合物除了提出外文名称外,同时应提出中文名称以便应用。本书为100多年来中药现代研究比较全面、系统的综合性大型工具书,值得我们学习,予以推荐。 【总页数】6页(P46-51)
【作 者】郑礼胜;王文倩;江纪武;王洁;邰文
【作者单位】天津药物研究院,天津 300193;天津药物研究院,天津 300193;天津药物研究院,天津 300193;天津药物研究院,天津 300193;天津药物研究院,天津 300193 【正文语种】中 文 【相关文献】
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