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#第一文档网# 导语】以下是®第一文档网的小编为您整理的《全媒体环境中小学教师个人知识管理的实施策略》,欢迎阅读!


【期刊名称】《湖北师范学院学报(自然科学版)》 【年(),期】2017(037)001

【摘 要】融合网络与数字技术的全媒体环境,教师是否具有一套行之有效的个人知管理方法和策略,对于自身的专业成长和发展尤为重要.以知识管理过程为主线,知识管理工具为切入点,深入探讨中小学教师个人知识管理实施策略.全文对中小学教师个人知识管理的概念、内涵、媒介工具及其相关理论进行文献梳理,并在此基础上从隐形知识显性化、知识系统化、知识流动与共享三个方面分析并阐述了全媒体时代中小学教师个人知识管理实施的策略,以期为广大中小学教师进行知识管理信息技术能力提升培训提供理论参考.%In the Omni-Media era intermingled network and digital technology,it is particularly important whether

teachers have a set of effective personal knowledge management methods and strategies for their professional growth and development.Along as the main line of knowledge management process,taking the knowledge management tools as the breakthrough point,the paper studies

implementation strategies of teacher's personal knowledge management surrounded Omni-Media in primary and middle schools.The text teases out literature review on the concept,connotation,media tools and related theories,then on these basis analysizes and puts forward for

implementation strategies of teacher's personal knowledge management surrounded Omni-Media in primary and middle schools.The results from

this study could provide a theoretical reference for solving the training of teachers'information technology application ability. 【总页数】3(P19-21) 【作 者】徐海霞

【作者单位】湖北师范大学 教育信息与技术学院,湖北 黄石 435002 【正文语种】 【中图分类】G434 【相关文献】

1.基于混搭社会软件的中小学教师个人知识管理初探 [J], 莫志慧

2.小学教师个人知识管理现状调查——以武汉市中小学为例 [J], 刘洋;胡玉婷 3.小学教师个人知识管理现状调查——以武汉市中小学为例 [J], 刘洋;胡玉婷 4.全媒体环境中小学教师个人知识管理的实施策略 [J], 徐海霞; 5.小学教师个人知识管理刍议 [J], 陈珍容;黄彩云


