【#第一文档网# 导语】以下是®第一文档网的小编为您整理的《幼儿英语活动-我和动物做朋友》,欢迎阅读!
一、活动名称:我和动物做朋友 二、活动时长:40分钟 三、活动目标:
1、语言目标:能够熟练掌握动物的英文单词,并能跟着儿歌的节拍大声朗读。 2、能力目标:幼儿跟节拍拍手朗诵儿歌,能够增强幼儿的节奏感。
3、情感目标:通过活动让幼儿更加喜小动物,从而培养幼儿保护动物的意识。 四、活动材料:印有动物图片和单词的卡片、动物头饰、音乐、PPT。 五、活动过程:
(1)活动描述:教师向幼儿介绍自己的动物朋友,并出示动物卡片,带领幼儿朗读单词并模仿动物的动作,激发幼儿想与动物做朋友的兴趣。 (2)师幼活动过程简示:
师:I have many animal friends. They are dogs, cats, giraffe and zebra..What animal friends do you have?
幼:My animal friend is......
师:The dog is my friend~dog!dog!dog!(两手放到头顶前后摆动)
The zebra is my friend~zebra!zebra!zebra!(两臂竖直弯腰做奔跑状) The giraffe is my friend~giraffe!giraffe!giraffe!(垫脚抬头尽量伸长脖子) The cat is my friend~cat!cat!cat!(两手张开放在脸颊左右摆动) 幼:The...is my friend~..............
师:Let us become friends with each other!
(3)活动注意事项提示:教师要注意幼儿发音是否准确。 2、主题活动(25分钟)
①师:The dog is my friend~dog!dog!dog!woof~woof~woof~What animal friends do you have? 幼:The...is my friend~..............What animal friends do you have?
师:The zebra is my friend~zebra!zebra!zebra!Black and white~.What animal friends do you have?
幼:The...is my friend~..............What animal friends do you have?
师:The giraffe is my friend~giraffe!giraffe!giraffe!Its neck is long~What animal friends do you have?
幼:The...is my friend~..............What animal friends do you have? 师:The cat is my friend~cat!cat!cat!meow~meow~meow~
②教师带领幼儿再次进行儿歌接龙,一边朗诵儿歌一边模仿动物的动作和叫声。 师:The dog is my friend~dog!dog!dog!woof~woof~woof~(两手放到头顶前后摆动)What animal friends do you have?
幼:The...is my friend~..............What animal friends do you have? 师:The zebra is my friend~zebra!zebra!zebra!Black and white~(两臂竖直弯腰做奔跑状)What animal friends do you have?
幼:The...is my friend~..............What animal friends do you have?
师:The giraffe is my friend~giraffe!giraffe!giraffe!Its neck is long~(垫脚抬头尽量伸长脖子)
What animal friends do you have?
幼:The...is my friend~..............What animal friends do you have?
师:The cat is my friend~cat!cat!cat!meow~meow~meow~(两手张开放在脸颊左右摆动) (3)活动注意事项提示:教师要注意幼儿发音是否准确,动作是否标准。 3、延伸活动(8-10分钟)
(1)活动描述:教师带领幼儿带上头饰来扮演小动物,并朗诵儿歌做游戏。 (2)师幼互动过程简示:
教:I am a dog,Woof!woof!woof!(两手放到头顶前后摆动) 幼:I am a fish,Glub!glub!glub!(两手交叉来回摆动) 教&幼:We are good friends~ 教:I am a....... 幼:I am a.......
教&幼:We are good friends~
(3)活动注意事项提示:教师要注意幼儿发音是否准确,动作是否标准。 六、相关主题绘本推荐 《I have a pet》