
2022-10-21 09:15:35   第一文档网     [ 字体: ] [ 阅读: ] [ 文档下载 ]

#第一文档网# 导语】以下是®第一文档网的小编为您整理的《英语演讲赛主持词》,欢迎阅读!

Good afternoon, teachers and students! We are very happy to gather here to hold an English speech contest.

各位老师,各位同学,下午好!很高兴我们今天能在这里举办一次英语演讲赛。 In order to enrich the campus cultural life, strengthen the

English learning and communication, improve the studentspassion for learning English, provide them with an opportunity and stage to show themselves and improve themselves, according to the school guidance offices arrangement, English teaching and research group decided to hold this English speech contest. 为了丰富校园文化生活,


First of all, let me introduce our judges and distinguished guests today: 首先,我给大家介绍一下今天的评委、嘉宾和工作人员:

Judges: English teachers-- Zhu Zhenghuan, Zhang Xuemei, Wang Xiaomin, Zhang Bo ,Tian Jing, director Li Puqiang and director Liu Shiying. 评委:朱正焕老师 张雪梅老师 王孝敏老师 田婧老师 张博老师 李普强主任 刘世赢主任

Distinguished guests: headmaster Yang Zhenhong and vice headmaster Liu Zhiren. 嘉宾:杨振鸿校长,刘志任副校长

Scoring personnel

Teachers Wang Xuebin, Liu Chengxiao 计分:王学斌老师 刘成箫老师

And I would also like to take this opportunity to wish this English speech contest can make perfect success. 我也想借此机会祝愿我们这次英语演讲赛能取得圆满成功!

Now lets announce the contest rules: 现在宣布比赛规则:

1 Contestants: 2 students from each class, there are 20 in all. 1. 参赛人数: 每班2人,共20人。

2 Each contestant needs to make a brief self introduction before the speech. 2. 每位选手演讲前需做简短的自我介绍。 3Each speech should be finished within 5 minutes. 3. 每位选手的演讲需控制在五分钟以内。

4The order of the contest is from Grade 9 to Grade 7, more specific order is decided by drawing lots. 4. 比赛顺序依次为:九年级-年级-年级,各年级具体顺序由抽签决定。

5Your speech should be given without the manuscriptotherwise your marks will be subtracted according to the situation. 5. 要求脱稿演讲,否则酌情扣分。 .

Marking standards: (out of 100 points): 评分标准:(满分100) (1) Content: (1)内容方面:

Bright theme and vivid content account for 20% 主题鲜明,内容生动占20%

Clear structure and strong logic make up 10% 结构清晰,逻辑性强占10%

Complete expression and being creative account for 10% 表达完整,具有创意10%

(2) Language: (2)语言方面:

Accurate pronunciation and standard intonation make up 20% 发音准确,语调标准占20%

Proper words and fluent expression account for 20% 用词恰当,表达流利占20%

(3)Performing: (3)表演方面:

Abundant sentiment and being expressive make up 10% 感情充沛,富有表现力占10% (4)Image : (4)形象方面

Neat attire and graceful look account for 10%


Awarding ways: 奖励办法:

The judges show the marks, the personnel add them together after removing one highest mark and one lowest one. The average of the rest marks is the final mark. The first three contestants in each grade will win the awards. 评委为每位选手当场打分(评分为整数),由工作人员进行最后加总,去掉一个最高分与最低分,取平均分为选手比赛成绩,按成绩排名各年级奖励前三名。

Now it's time for the contestants to have performance. Today each of the 20 contestants has made careful preparations. So I'm sure we'll be able to enjoy many excellent performances today.


