【#第一文档网# 导语】以下是®第一文档网的小编为您整理的《“2+3”学前教育专业大专生的课程观现状调查》,欢迎阅读!
【期刊名称】《工业技术与职业教育》 【年(卷),期】2016(014)002
【摘 要】课程观是人们对课程的看法和认识。调查了解“2+3”学前教育专业学生的课程观对于优化学前教育有着重要意义。运用问卷调查法对广西现代职业技术学院16级“2+3”学前教育专业151名大专生进行幼儿教育课程观调查。研究发现:“2+3”学前教育专业学生的课程观还没有明显倾向的占总数的55.2%;来自河池市职业教育中心学校和巴马师范学校的学生的课程观倾向不存在差异性。%Curriculum conception is a kind of perspective and cognition. It is investigated that curriculum conception of “2+3” Pre-school majors has important significance to optimize preschool education. The study has an investigation of the early childhood curriculum by having as its subjects 151 “2+3”Pre-school education junior college students in grade 2016 in Guangxi college of Modern Vocational Technology by means of
questionnaires. The study indicates that “2+3” Pre-school majors whose curriculum conception have no obvious tendency account for 55.2%;it shows there is no difference for curriculum conception tendency of “2+3” pre-school majors came from Hechi City Vocational Education Center and Bama Normal school. 【总页数】3页(P44-46) 【作 者】李杰平
【作者单位】广西现代职业技术学院,广西 河池547000 【正文语种】中 文 【中图分类】G710 【相关文献】
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