香 港 中 文 大 学 - 香港中文大学深圳,香港中文大学(深 …

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The information provided will be used for appointment and other employment-related purposes in the University. It may be accessible to offices, committees or persons who will process appointment matters. Information on unsuccessful candidates will be destroyed after the recruitment exercise when no longer required.


Post Applied for

I. 个人资料 Personal Particulars

英文姓名 (姓氏先行)

Name in full (English) (Surname first) 中文姓名

Name (Chinese) 通讯地址

出生日期 Date of Birth

* 称谓 先生 女士 户口所在地 Title Mr. # Miss / Ms. / Mrs. City of Residency

# 护照号码 / 身份证号码

Passport No. / I.D. Card No.

Correspondence Address

住址 (如与上址不同)

Residential Address (if different from above)

电话号码 (住宅) (办公) Telephone No. (Home) (Office) 必要时通知 姓名 关系

Emergency Contact (Name & Relationship

(流动电话) (Mobile)

必要时通知 电话 及地址

Emergency Contact number & address


E-mail Address

II. 学历 / 学术荣誉 / 奖状 (请顺序列出) Academic Qualifications / Awards / Distinctions (in chronological order)

From / Month / Year

To / Month / Year

教育机构 / 院校名称 (请列明所在国家)

Institution of Learning /

College / University Attended (Please specify country) 所获学历

Qualifications / Awards / Distinctions


主修科目 / 范畴

Major Subject / Field of Study

III. 工作经验 (请顺序列出) Working Experience (in chronological order)

From / Month / Year

To / Month / Year


Name and Address of Employer


Appointment Held (如属兼职,请予注明) (if part-time, please specify)

工作性质 Nature of Work

* 请于适当空格加 Please tick as appropriate # 请删去不适用者 Please delete as appropriate

IV. 专业资格 (请顺序列出) Professional Qualifications / Memberships (in chronological order)

专业团体 (全名)

Professional Body (Full Name)


Qualification / Membership Obtained

获取途径 (考试、推选等) Channel of Award (e.g. exam., election)

颁发日期 Date of Award

V. 曾担任之研究工作/出版著作 (教学/研究员申请人适用) Major Research/ Published Work (For Teaching & Research Posts only) 请连同著作撮要一并交回Please attach abstracts of publications if available.

期间 Period


Name / Nature of The Work

备注 Remarks

VI. 咨询人 (现时 / 前雇主) Referees (Present / Previous Employers)



公司名称 / 职衔 Company Name / Position


Correspondence Address

传真号码 / 电子邮址 Fax no. / E-mail Address

1. 2. 3.


Unless otherwise specified, consent is deemed given by the applicant to the University to approach the above referees whenever appropriate without prior notification. Please also inform your referees that such consent has been given by you.

VII. 过往薪酬纪录 Past Salary Record



公司名称 / 职衔 Company Name / Position

每月基本薪酬 Monthly Basic Salary

每月保险及公积金供款 Monthly Insurance and Housing

Fund Contribution

其他津贴 Other Allowances

VIII. 其他Others

1. 现职离职通知期 Notice Period Required by Present Employer ______________________________

2. 如获聘任可到任日期

Earliest Date Available if Appointed ____________________________________

3. 请问从何处得悉本职位空缺?

How did you learn about this vacant position? ______________________________________________________________________________ (例:期刊 / 报章名称及日期) (e.g. Name and date of journal / newspaper, etc.)

4. 申请人如有近亲现职于香港中文大学 (深圳),请列明其姓名、职位及与申请人的关系 If you have close relatives currently employed by The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shenzhen, please state their names, posts and relationship to you.


5. 其他与申请此职位有关的资料 Applicants may use the following space to provide any other relevant information in support of your application.


IX. 声明 Declaration

本人谨此声明以上所提供的资料均属真实及所附证明文件皆为真确副本。如获聘任,本人将提供有关身份及资历文件的正本 / 核实真确本予大学作查核。本人明白倘若故意虚报资料或隐瞒重要事实,香港中文大学(深圳) 可取消已发出的口头或书面聘约或纵使已获聘任亦可遭解雇。

I declare that the information given above is correct and complete to the best of my knowledge and that the documents provided by me in connection with this application are true copies. I will produce the original / certified true copies of all identification and qualification documents as required by the University upon assumption of duty at the University if appointed. I understand that if I knowingly supply false information or withhold any material information, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shenzhen shall have the right to rescind any verbal / written offer of appointment and I shall render myself liable to dismissal if I am eventually appointed by the University.

日期 签署

Date _______________________________________________________ Signature _____________________________________________________________

