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江 西 理 工 大 学
本 科 毕 业 设 计(论文)任 务 书
外语外贸 学院 英语 专业 XX 级(XXXX 届)3 班 学生XX
题 目:Analysis of Black Women Images in American Literature
English majors have learnt English for four years and almost have finished their courses. During their study, they have known some of the American literature. Nowadays, the American society has changed a lot---the blacks are equal to any others. But less then 100 years ago, they were all discriminated. The black women who endured the racial discrimination and gender discrimination got more concerning. In order to understand and find the essence of American literature and, the student was ordered to research the female image in the literature works and to dig up the reasons that lead to such a condition so that the black female spirits in fighting for their future will be shown detailed.
1. The thesis will be completed with the guidance of tutor and the study of the concerned thesis, based on the collection of various resources.
2. The thesis has theoretic and literal significance, guiding our practice in this field in future.
3. Volume: 5000~8000 words.
Schedule: 1. Dec. 2—Dec. 20, 2010 topic negotiation; resources exploration;
2. Dec.21—Dec.24, 2010 topic approval and settling down the title;
thesis assignment paper;
3. Dec. 24—Dec. 27, 2010 thesis proposal;
4. Dec. 28, 2010—Jan.24, 2011, complete the first draft. 5. Jan. 25—Mar. 19, 2011, complete the second draft. 6. Mar. 19—May 10, 2011, complete the third draft. 7. May 10—May 24, 2011, finish the final thesis.
1、宫爱凤, 论《向天呼吁》中黑人女性的困境与觉醒[J] 2009年上海大学硕士学位论文, 2009
2、霍侠, 《我知道笼中鸟为何歌唱》中的新黑人女性形象[J], 文学评论,2009 3、李洁平,《日用家当》中女性形象解读[J], 外语与外语教学,2007
4、刘喜波, 《棕色姑娘,棕色瓦房》中的黑人女性形象[J], 学术交流, 2010 5、托尼.莫里森, USA, 陈苏东, 《最蓝的眼睛》[M],南海出版公司, 2005 6、托尼.莫里森, USA, 胡允桓,《秀拉》[M], 南海出版公司,2005 7、托尼.莫里森, USA, 潘岳,《宠儿》[M], 南海出版社, 2006 8、田野, 浅谈美国黑人文学中的女性形象[J], 华章, 2010 9、王道水, 漫漫解放之路--解读托尼.莫里森的《宠儿》[J], 邵阳学院学报(社会科学版,) 2006
10、王玲玲, 试析托尼.莫里森小说中的黑人女性形象[J], 盐城师范学院学报(人文社会科学版),2009
11、杨莉 龙迪勇, 论美国黑人文学中的女性形象[J], 江西师范大学学报(哲学社会科学版),2003
12、杨敏, 美国黑人文学中的女性形象分析[J], 天府新论, 2006 13、杨雪, 浅谈《飘》中黑人形象的设立[J], 文学评论, 2009
14、郑成英 李道柏, 试析《秀拉》中的黑人女性形象[J], 江西社会科学, 2003 15、张慧云, 伤痛与疗救--莫里森小说中的黑人女性形象浅探[J], 华东师范大学硕士学位论文,2007
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